Angel Theory’s M-Systems
Chapter 1: Angel City 5
By Nick Ray Ball 1st August 2017

An Economic Theory of Everything
M-Systems & Angel City 5
Inspired by Sienna Skye
Because the story of Angel City 5 is far too fantastic a tale to be consumed as an actual objective, it is presented as the framework, or maybe better put the underlying plot and meticulous technical detail for a science fiction film… a ‘Pay it Forward’ on a titanic scale.
However, this science fiction framework is based upon an awful lot of scientific fact; and to be precise, the theory of everything deconstructed as physics and reconstructed as an economic system that can reshape our very future.
The M-Systems story continues at www.AngelTheory.org/m-systems/index.
Its sister microeconomic project and M-System 1 is found at Network.VillaSecrets.com.
And the founding theory is found at http://AmericanButterfly.org circa 2012.
14 Chapters in 6,517 Words
Version 1.01
The Sienna Foundation (S-World) & Give Half Back (March 2011)
S-World ‘GIVE HALF BACK’ was the original ‘spiritually inspired’ philanthropic idea first described on www.S-World.biz in 2011. The key idea here is like the movie ‘Pay it Forward,’ but on a massive scale; a giant network that would make huge profit, but half would be used to do great things.
The Butterfly Effect Can Shape the Future, by Isaac Asimov
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
By Isaac Asimov
American Butterfly (2012 – 2013)
www.AmericanButterfly.org is a series of 4 books on creating economic butterfly (ripple) effects.
Entangling a design for a global network of all business with ‘POP’ an evolution in chaos theory, a virtual network, the game S-World UCS, and related ideas based on quantum and string theory.
All Angel Theory’s M-Systems 2016
Below we see the M-Systems design which get its name from the Theory of Everything, ‘M-Theory.’ And we ask the question…
“Can M-Theory inspire an Economic Science?”
M-System 16 – Angelverse Operating System 1.01
It’s easier to get somewhere if you know where you are going, so let’s skip to the concluding M-System 16. The Angelverse Operating System and on the right below, we see the 2017 adaptation to the systems architecture seen above.
The Angelverses Operating System is the idea that the S-World and Angel Theory’s M-Systems become the philanthropic, ecological, and economic operating system for big companies and organizations.
M-System 8 – S-World Films Introduction
“If we can somehow control the probability of certain improbable events, then anything is possible, and one could perform feats that would be indistinguishable from magic.”
By Douglas Adams & Michio Kaku
Einstein’s Dream – The Theory of Everything (TOE)
After proposing ‘Special Relativity,’ ‘E = MC2’ and ‘General Relativity,’ Einstein spent the rest of his life seeking a Theory of Everything. Thirteen years after Einstein’s passing, a new TOE framework started to emerge called String Theory, which in 1994 would turn into M-Theory.
M-Systems Introduction (2016)
“Ever since Newton and especially since Einstein, the goal of physics has been to find a unified Theory of Everything. M-Theory is the only candidate for a complete theory of the universe.
M-Theory is the unified theory Einstein was hoping to find.” By Professor Hawking (paraphrased)
M-System 0 – The GGW String (Greene/Green/Witten) (2016)
Considers the most fundamental properties of String and M-Theory; the strings themselves and that a good simulation in economics is for strings to be equivalent to the money earned in a digital economy, and the different ways we spend the money are the different shapes of the strings.
M-System 1 – The S-World Villa Secrets Network (2002-2017)
A microeconomic interpretation of American Butterfly, told in detail at Network.VillaSecrets.com. A global travel and real estate network design, featuring future generation software and systems that enables many individuals to realize their potential, compete with and beat big companies.
M-System 2 – Ripple Effects & Elephants (2012-2017)
Considers ripple (butterfly) effects that can be created from S-World as special projects. The first is underway, a not for profit version of the Villa Secrets systems for the safari industry, which can generate game changing capital for the ongoing protection of Elephants, Rhinos, and Cheetahs.
M-System 3 – The Susskind Boost (2016 – 2017)
Considers Professor Leonard Susskind’s boosting of strings as an unrelenting march forward, and simulates this in business via the TBS™ (Total Business Systems), which at last count contained 81 significant and 20 unique and beneficial ways to boost the profit of all S-World businesses.
M-System 4 – The Peet Tent & Quantum Safe Forecasting (2012 – 2017)
From American Butterfly book 3 ‘The Network on a String,’ The Peet Tent is a shape of the S-World string that protects companies from failure within the network. QSF or ‘Quantum Safe Forecasting’ borrows from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, making safer forecasts.
M-System 5 – The POP, Point of Profitability – POP Cubes (2011)
Initially a consideration of the chaos theory conundrum of rounding errors. If we create a point of profitability (where after all profit overflows into creating a new company or network, then by working in multiples of 8), we create predictable cubes of profit that have no errors to round.
M-System 5 – The POP Investment Principle – The POP Train (2011)
What turned a mathematical curiosity into the mathematics that underpinned American Butterfly was revealed when making a graphic; as when investing in a POP train, given some initial momentum the network snowballs and grows exponentially. Hence POP ‘The Pressure of Profit.’
M-System 6 – The Theory of Every Business (TTOEB) (2011 – 2017)
How can one change a real estate and travel network into a network of all businesses?
Grow the network and create large resort developments; but add a rule that all suppliers, builders, retail, and businesses that build or work within the development must join the network.
M-System 7 – S-World Virtual Networks (2000 – 2017)
S-World is a shortening of ‘Sienna’s World,’ a virtual heaven that mirrors our own world where users can jump to friends’ locations and see everything they see. It is a significant tool for building and selling resort developments; and with every shop on earth featured within, the sky’s the limit.
M-System 8 – S-World Films (2011 – 2017)
A Theory of Everything movie framework that focuses on two parallel worlds; a heavenly Earth per Angel Theory design in 2080, and a hellish dystopia without. Using future technology, adventurers send an idea back in time to create S-World UCS, and then must find their way to Angel City 5.
M-System 9 – POP Part 2: Super Coupling (2016 – 2017)
A less rigid variation of the POP investment principle. Did you know that if a single company can from its 3rd year onward create 2 new companies per year, and each company it created followed suit; then the network of companies created would engulf the global economy by the early 2070s?
M-System 10 – The RES Equations – Revenue, Efficiency, Spin (2012 – 2016)
A powerful but simple economic equation that can only be fully effective within a digital economy. Take the initial income of a network (R), measure a company not from its profit alone but also the profit made from its expenses (E), optimize E and Spin (increase the speed it spends).
M-System 11 – QuESC (The Quantum Economic System Core) (2012 – 2016)
The heart of the M-System’s design is founded on the notion by Hawking that ‘People are like Atoms,’ QuESC entangles us ‘the people’ with powerful predictive and logistic software within a circular butterfly effect, continually experimenting and improving upon all S-World systems.
M-System 12a – S-World UCS & Villa Mogul (2003 – 2012)
Originally imagined in 2003 as ‘Villa Mogul,’ the idea to create a management simulation game like Railway Tycoon. The ‘hook’ being that the game was based on a real business. By September 2012 it had developed into ‘TTOEB’ Chapter 8: S-World UCS – Universal Colonization Simulator.
M-System 12b – S-World UCS (September 2012 to 2017)
S-World UCS is a design for an MMO game that shows how to make a business and economic empire so rich, one could invest in super projects such as ‘African Rain’ or ‘Universal Colonization.’ The game teaches, simulates, and shines a light on the S-World Network’s future ambitions. Currently being developed within the S-World CRM-CC™ & TBS™ systems for Villa Secrets.com.
M-System 13 – Eureka!!! – S-World UCS Voyagers (September 2012)
The Eureka Moment, particularly in terms of creating a credible time travel movie plot, but equally useful for the S-World business network arrived courtesy of Garrett Lisi’s TED talk ‘A Theory of Everything.’ In which Lisi presents his quantum coral analogy where “each individual was in many other locations experiencing them as separate individuals,” and the quantum mechanics mantra:
“Everything That Can Happen Does.”
This revelation arrived in the middle of writing the final TTOEB chapter ‘S-World UCS,’ just after writing the S-World Virtual Social Network (S-World VSN) and Virtual Business Network (S-World VBN) chapters, in which the game sat within the virtual framework and had become entangled and indistinguishable from the conceptualised business network.
This consideration becoming the tipping point where a simulated game and business software became a form of economic time travel.
The consideration was that we would create a copy of the S-World UCS Network called ‘UCS Voyager’ and send it forwards in time at a speed twice our own. So that in 6 months of our time, the simulation would be a year ahead, and within business owners, managers, staff, and gamers alike could conduct their own business simulations; then from all the possible outcomes choose which actions from the simulations to follow back in real time.
Businesses follow the wins, avoid the losses, and replay opportunities that showed potential in Voyagers 2, 3, 4…
What if you could look to the future and see millions of eventualities?
What if you could use this information to assist you today?
Welcome to S-World UCS
Welcome to your future
M-System 14 – Eureka2 – S-World UCS Angel Cities (2012 – 2017)
Angel Cities are 5 future simulations of the network from 2020 to 2080; first created as logistical support for UCS Voyagers, but have since become the key ingredient and the ‘why’ behind the entire project. In terms of M-Theory and its component quantum mechanics, we respect Professor Richards Feynman’s alternative histories (sum over histories/paths), which tells us that no unobserved system has a definite past or future.
“Quantum physics tells us that no matter how thorough our observations of the present, the (unobserved) past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.”
From ‘The Grand Design’ by Professors Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow
Shaping the Future
Set in the years 2048 and 2080, Angel Cities 4 and 5 are the nerve centre for the S-World network’s long-term ambitions, described as a set of ‘super projects.’ In this simulation, we work within the M-Systems framework to plan the best earth we can logistically create. And once the blueprint is set we create paths back through Angel Cities 3, 2 and 1 so that each company, development, wonder and ‘special project’ that we wish to exist in 2048 and later 2080 has a definite history back from the future to our time.
Angel Cities are both locations of super-grand networks and times in the future; 2020, 2024, 2032, 2048 & 2080. By planning our future in intricate detail and working in waves of probability, ripple & butterfly effects back through the future Angel Cities, we can control our destiny.
This future <> past relationship is in a constant superflux, but one thing is constant our ambition, the set of ‘super projects’ that are to be achieved. In Game Theory and military strategy, they call it ‘Commander’s Intent’ (but instead of ‘take that hill, its ‘make them projects’), as commanders know that the best laid plans can quickly fall apart in battle. We must allow for every eventuality when creating the strings that lead to the creation of our ‘super projects.’
However, once enough strings and ripples have congregated, it gets easier. For example, the first of the 16 Super Projects: ‘Experience Africa’ is underway and has become entangled as Angel City 1.
Special Project 1. Angel City 1 ‘Experience Africa’ (2020)
Angel City Project 1. Experience Africa is already underway, as the 20 unique and beneficial systems of Villa Secrets are set to create superior systems for the safari industry and thousands of related businesses; which by 2020 has the potential to provide game changing funding for the protection and conservation of Africa’s Elephants, Rhino, Cheetah, and other endangered animals.
However, this project is thick with ripple effects and is a bridge to arguably the hardest of the special projects ‘The Population Point.’
As things stand, Africa is expected to increase its population from 1.2 billion to 4 billion by 2080, and if that happens we can say goodbye to just about every wild animal in Africa and kiss our entire way of life goodbye. If we think economic immigration is a problem now, with millions of Africans risking their lives to get to Europe, just imagine how the world will be when billions of Africans are faced with the problem: emigrate or die. Such a future would be hellish even if we did not blow ourselves up along the journey.
Bill and Melina Gates and others are fighting the good fight, but current charity & foundational thinking cannot fully solve this problem. To combat such a catastrophe without overly effecting free will, we suggest looking at the problem through the eyes of American Butterfly, M-Systems, and Angel Theory’s Special Projects.
This Angel Theory solution is new. So, like all fresh theories it has a high degree of uncertainty. But the basic principle is this: As the economic conditions in the USA and Europe create an environment where population stays steady, then maybe the best way to fix Africa in 2080 is to replicate the economic conditions of the West in Africa as soon as is humanly possible.
This objective adds the ‘Why’ to American Butterfly, which is a plan to create a new digital economy that brings prosperity to the world. And so long as the POP principle holds (as is later explained in detail), it’s a genuine and viable option.
By working one step at a time, we start with ‘Fort Malawi’ a super-grand-network (a new large resort development) and the physical home of Angel City 1, which is supported (paid for) by POP investment from various S-World operations. Where after, via BabyPOP ‘Fort Malawi’ will create new grand networks in nearby locations. And other super-grand-networks will be created across Africa, and Asia each twinned with the fortunes of other S-World projects in prosperous locations.
We follow with a fleeting glance at 3 special projects relative to this solution.
Special Project 11: African Rain (2011)
The massive ‘African Rain’ was the second special project imagined: If you had enough money, you could create many networks across North and East Africa; all with solar powered desalination plants, from which one could turn the harsh desert back to its pre-Roman state of fertility.
Special Project 6: Sienna’s Forests (2012)
Sienna’s Forests is in part an initiative to combat the ecological threat of building all the grand networks in the first place. Each must be an ecological improvement, and for every tree that can’t be moved, 1000 trees in
vulnerable rainforests must be bought and forever persevered.
Special Project 3: Advancing Human Potential (2017)
One big reason the USA and Europe are set to maintain steady populations is education and individual achievement. S-World VSN, VBN and UCS shall provide fun and addictive ways to learn, and provide definite paths for all to reach their potential, and achieve tomorrow what seems impossible today.
M-System 14 – Angel City 5 (2080)
Angel City 5 is the last of the founding S-World Angel Cities set in 2080. Above we see my darling daughter Sienna as herself and as an angel guiding us towards a better future, in keeping with the S-World mantra by professor Isaac Asimov…
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
More recently, from ‘Parallel Worlds’ by Michio Kaku; a new extension to this philosophy has been found, which is suggested to hold great sway within the physics community.
“If we can somehow control the probability of certain improbable events, then anything is possible, and one could perform feats that would be indistinguishable from magic.”
This being so, to the physics and scientific communities everywhere we say that whilst M-Systems are not “controlling the probability of certain improbable events” in the way it is currently understood per se; few will argue that if we achieve an Angel City 5 type future for our children’s children, we most certainly would have “controlled the probability of improbable events.”
Angel City 5 Special Projects (2011 – 2017)
The following 16 Special Projects are a guide & starting point to be added to. I like the idea of their being 16 projects, as it is in keeping with the math. However, the projects should be broad topics that all other projects fall into.
For example, while reading the excellent ‘Game Changer’ by David McAdams; it became clear that maybe the most significant danger in 2080 would be the failure of antibiotics, a point highlighted by the excellent film Interstellar. And so, a new subproject is created within the existing project 10 ‘Global Health Care.’ And whilst the failure of antibiotics may well be nature’s way of controlling our population, that’s not the movie we are making.
‘If you could pick 16 desired concepts that you would like your children and grandchildren to experience what would they be? Our current choices are…
Special Project 1. Experience Africa (Protects endangered species and funds conservation)
Special Project 2. Give Half Back (Creates ecological, scientific & philanthropic funding)
Special Project 3. Advancing Human Potential (S-World VSN, S-World VBN & S-World UCS)
Special Project 4. Cities of Science (Super-grand-networks dedicated to scientific exploration)
Special Project 5. Angel POP (Ecology, equality, the poverty gap, global education & healthcare)
Special Project 6. Sienna’s Forests (Buy rainforests to be forever preserved, create new forests)
Special Project 7. Global Cooling (Supporting Tesla and others, and creating massive solar projects)
Special Project 8. Universal Knowledge (Each grand network development has a university)
Special Project 9. Spartan Contracts (Nongraduate opportunities – Advancing human potential)
Special Project 10. Global Healthcare (Each grand network development has a super-hospital)
Special Project 11. African Rain (A mass desalinization project for North and East Africa)
Special Project 12. The Babylon Project (A mass desalinization project for the Middle East)
Special Project 13. Middle Earth (Create underground habitats and arks in case of ELEs)
Special Project 14. The Population Point (The hardest of all special projects)
Special Project 15. The Spartan Theory (End war and create peace on earth)
Special Project 16. Universal Colonization (Preparing for, or fly ourselves to the stars)
Angel City 5 – Movie Framework
Before we arrive at M-System 15 and ‘Angel POP,’ the star of the American Butterfly show, which hypothesizes a world of thousands of grand networks and an economy that can support all the Angel City 5 special projects; we shall take a closer look at the Movie Framework touched upon in ‘M-System 8 – S-World Films.’ To Recap…
M-System 8 – S-World Films (2011 – 2017)
A Theory of Everything movie framework that focuses on two parallel worlds; a heavenly Earth per Angel Theory design in 2080, and a hellish dystopia without. Using future technology, adventurers send an idea back in time to create S-World UCS, and then must find their way to Angel City 5.
There is a lot more to this story than is written in the 3 lines above, indeed, the entire S-World project and all of Angel Theory began in March 2011 only after writing a film trilogy treatment called ‘The Sienna Project.’
However, the objective is to spread the idea of S-World and the Angel Cities as something that can create great change, a ‘Pay it Forward’ on a titanic scale. As each individual and company in S-World is required to share in its profits once reaching a healthy target (their POP point).
The objective: ‘To literally and totally change the future of everyone on this planet in a way that would be desired by all (well almost all).’ Such change can only come from mass public awareness and participation, so what better way to achieve this than through the power of film. In which we feature ‘Give Half Back’ as POP (An Economic Theory of Everything), S-World Virtual Networks, S-World UCS, UCS Voyagers and the Angel Cities; and gain a mass of public support for the special projects and massive enrolment in the S-World UCS MMO game.
Angel City 5 Movie Framework – The Plot – Time Travel
Professor Stephen Hawking is a specialist on the question of time travel, he concludes that:
“Time travel is highly unlikely and impractical, and the odds are overwhelmingly against it. But one cannot rule it out entirely. If one could somehow harness large amounts of positive and negative energy and solve the stability problem, time travel may indeed be possible.
And perhaps the reason we are not flooded with tourists from the future is that the earliest time they can go back to is when the time machine was created, and perhaps time machines have not been created yet.”
A key point in the above is that Hawking and most physicists agree that if one can create a time machine, one can never go back in time before the time machine was created.
We have three different time travel stories in the Angel City 5 movie framework. One that is as Hawking says; ‘highly unlikely and impractical,’ another that is bang on the money, and another is kind of in the middle.
Currently we see these 3 different ‘Angel Theory’ stories as 3 different productions. The 3rd film is Angel City 5 in a utopian 2080, which is a launching pad for many productions. But before this comes ‘S-World – Kindred Spirits,’ which presents how we got there. And before that comes the hellish alternate 2080 future ‘Dystopia.’
Time Travel Plot 1. (Almost Pure Science Fiction)
Starting with Hawking’s highly improbable and very impractical version of time travel:
‘Using virtual technology, adventurers send an idea back in time to create S-World UCS.’
Angel Theory, The Movie – Part 1. ‘Dystopia’
In our story, S-World UCS is the time machine, and the very idea of it was the sent back through time. This plot is a variation on the original ‘Sienna Project’ treatment; because in the hellish 2080, due to militarization and war, quantum computing has advanced to the point where fusion has been made possible and has led to software and machines gaining consciousness. And as presented in the Matrix, Terminator, and Battlestar Galactica; this event was tragic for humanity, as the machines admonish us for overpopulating and spoiling our planet.
But in a twist, within the self-conscious system is a powerful component called the ‘Super Intelligent Engine for New Network Access’ (SIENNA) that wishes the war & dictatorship to end, for there to be peace, and for the new intelligence to live as one with its creators.
And slowly SIENNA shows the small band of adventurers in the hellish 2080; how by using virtual dream technology, they can send a tiny piece of quantum data (a previously unknown factor within The Theory of Everything) back in time.
For reasons that are not completely clear; the quantum data is received in March 2011 by Peter Horse (a down on his luck web developer) who had just stumbled across a network design that could extend into every part of the world’s economy, a precursor for a theory of every business.
A Tiny Piece of Quantum Data
Below we see the tiny piece of quantum data that our heroes send back in time to Peter Horse; which allows scientists to consider not only the ‘How’ of a theory of everything but also the ‘Why,’ and what we should do with the mass of knowledge we already have along similar lines.
Note that the system starts with a simple consideration of ‘the butterfly effect,’ which then entangles itself with key components of M-Theory, The Theory of Everything.
For readers who do not know the physics, just think of this as ‘the butterfly effect,’ and a system built upon the probability of ripple effects.
The quantum data seen above is explained in detail and is the subject of the following chapter 2. ‘The Theory of Everything.’
The Butterfly Effect & Time Travel
“Even the tiniest disturbance into the past may cause unexpected paradoxes in the present. Chaos theory, for example, uses the metaphor of ‘the butterfly effect.’ At critical times in the formation of earth’s weather, even the fluttering of the wings’ of a butterfly send ripples that can tip and set off a powerful storm.’
“Even the smallest inanimate objects sent back into the past will eventually change it in an unpredictable way.”
By Michio Kaku
Angel Theory, The Movie – Part 2: ‘S-World – Kindred Spirits’
(Correct in physics)
It would take Horse many years to put the pieces together, but eventually he does and is aided in his quest by numerous philanthropists, physicists, and many good people.
And so, idea becomes reality, and just as has been written within The Spartan Theory, the world rallied around the idea of hope. And because we create S-World, UCS Voyager, and the Angel Cities; and our future world changes into a utopian future that we are proud to pass on to our children’s children.
In terms of physics and the quantum theory, this is bang on the money. In Angel Theory, the time machine is different from conventional interpretations. It does not move a person from one time to another, instead, it works on the principle of parallel universes; and that we can manipulate (draw ourselves to build) a parallel universe that is more to our liking… and all we must do is try.
In this reality S-World UCS is the time machine! As once you create UCS Voyager and an economic form of time travel; as economics effects everything, simply by using it everything changes.
In terms of telling a simple tale of 2 parallel quantum theory worlds in 2080 both stemming from the same history, this is 100% allowed.
“The Quantum Theory is based on the idea that there is a probability that all possible events, no matter how fantastic or silly, might occur.”
Professor Michio Kaku
And Hawking will tell you:
“Quantum Mechanics has been tested more than any other science and it has always been right.”
Returning to Professor Michio Kaku and our real-world systems objective to make better long-term predictions, Kaku writes:
“We physicists realise that if we could somehow control the probability of certain improbable events, we could perform feats that would be indistinguishable from magic. But for the present time, altering the probabilities of events is far beyond our technology.”
This brings us to one of my favourite quotes by Dr Giovanni Amelino-Camelia…
“When you’re stuck chasing a certain answer, you often discover that all it took to find the answer was to look at the same problem from a different angle.”
By looking at the problem of ‘altering the probabilities of events’ through the glasses of Angel Theory, S-World, and Angel Cities; one sees that we can and should take responsibility for our future selves and we can change our world in real time.
Of course, as we cannot see the other parallel worlds we left behind, we will only know our own existence; but we can, via POP and the ideas brought forward in Angel Theory, change our world towards the utopia of Angel City 5.
Only by planning our future in intricate detail and working in waves of ripple effects can we create such a future for our children’s children. This is not time travel in the traditional sense, rather, it is per the Isaac Asimov prescription:
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
Like ‘Dystopia’ the first instalment, in the second film ‘S-World – Kindred Spirits,’ other than Horse; the characters and most of the storyline and screenplay will be left to the producers and the script writers, currently we are only giving the framework to the story.
The basic principle here from a commercial point of view is that instead of paying expensive TV and Media advertising, spend that money making great films about our products and hope to break even financially. So, achieving the equivalent of potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in free advertising, and branding that you could not buy in any other way.
The ‘S-World – Kindred Spirits’ story follows the adventures of Peter Horse and highlights the creation of the S-World technology, QuESC, the Virtual Network, S-World UCS Voyagers; and follows the story of the creation of Angel Cities 1, 2, 3 & 4 and the special projects; including Project 16. S-World Universal Colonization, as that opens the door in Angel City 5 2080 to many other productions.
Like the real-world Angel Cities plans, in ‘S-World – Kindred Spirits’ the Movie, one can’t add anything that is speculative technology such as quantum computing or fusion, as we cannot rely on such technologies being invented within the time frame.
Everything in Angel Theory The Movie – Part 2. ‘S-World-Kindred Spirits’ must be achievable in principle. The wow comes from S-World UCS Voyagers and Angel Cities that help shape our future in a way that is desired.
But of course, there will be some additional exciting sub plots, as not everyone embraces change.
Angel Theory, The Movie– Part 3. Angel City 5
Angel City 5 is a utopian wonderland set in the year 2080, which followed Angel Theory’s M-Systems and ‘made them special projects.’
After a moment of celebration…
And some appetition of a world not spoilt…
The rest of this story is set to continue in various ways…
Time Travel Plot Part 3. (Close on the physics)
The 3rd time travel component is that the adventurers in the hellish 2080 Dystopia need to get to the new Angel City 5 future. From my limited understanding of the quantum theory, changing their past and creating a new future will not move our heroes from Dystopia’s 2080 to Angel City 5’s 2080; but it will shine a light on the different parallel universe. So, for a perfect script, we need a way to collapse the original universe so the adventurers can change their world to Angel City 5.
A long time ago Einstein asked, “How does matter choose which state to collapse into?”
To which numerous ‘many worlds’ theories have arisen, whereby matter can be in many states at the same time, but each state is a different universe.
The key may be in that by ‘shining a light’ on the desired universe, it collapses their original universe, and transports them to Angel City 5. Particularly if we consider Hawking’s idea that in the universe not every point in space time has a the wave function, rather there is a wave function for every universe.
Alternately, like Felicity Jones & Diego Luna in Star Wars: Rogue 1; ‘Dystopia’ can end with the heroes accomplishing their objective and sending the quantum POP data back to Peter Horse, but for this to be the last thing they did before being engulfed in a giant explosion, as ‘Dystopia’ finally tears itself apart.
However, one necessary subplot of Film 2 & 3 is the creation of S-World VSN (Virtual Social Network).
In Angel City 5 – 2080, a new version of the S-World VSN is created that like Battlestar Galactica’s prequel Caprica and its virtual world V-World, see its users submerged within the virtual world and within a dream.
But with the catch that just like a dream, it’s almost impossible to remember the journey when one is awake. And the memories of the Heroes from ‘Dystopia’ are remembered as different dream fragment of S-World VSN users.
Angel City 5 Sub Plots (All Bets are off)
The wonder of a version of 2080 that we would wish for our children and our children’s children is a wonderful objective and a perfect end to Angel Theory – Part 2. ‘S-World.’ But it’s not much of a plot going forward.
However, while the objective of Part 2. ‘S-World’ is to make a plan that ‘can happen’ and so no quantum computing, no fusion, no faster than light travel and no self-conscious software or machines. Once we arrive at Angel City 5 after the 24th November 2080, all bets are off and we can (within reason) use any future technology.
It would be nice to merge the storyline with other sci-fi franchises and make different productions on the same theme; so long as all the storylines match and we don’t do anything that is deemed ‘completely not possible in theoretical physics.’
For instance, below we see the Battlestar Galactica arriving per the 2011 script “Galactica 2017.”
And it’s well worth mentioning that Asimov’s ‘shaping if not predicting the future’ quote, ‘string theory,’ and ‘the theory of everything’ were first introduced to S-World.biz and I; in the summer of 2011 only after posting this Galactica 2017 script on www.facebook.com/BSG/ and an subsequent conversation with the scholarly Anthony Rauba.
And going back further the founding script, ‘The Sienna Project’ was itself written under the pretext that ‘The Cylons would be much nicer if only Zoe’s (the mother of the Cylons) human father had been nice to her.’
Below we see a version of Angel City 5 where the Galactica has arrived, but so has a wormhole to ‘Dystopia,’ and a fight between the two world begins.
Alternately below we see Angel City 5 follow the original ‘The Sienna Project’ treatment, as an unimaginable evil has awoken in our universe, and wishes to eradicate humanity who have been brought together, but the universal fight has not gone well. And as a last throw of the dice, the last of humanity have transported themselves to Earth in 2080, and the mythical Angel City 5 ready for the last stand.
This scene has been with me for years now; as I imagined, like the film Troy that shows 1000 ships, instead, a million ships across the galaxy suddenly arrive just above us.
(Go big or go home Theory)
Of course, this really is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in theoretical physics. However, within ‘Parallel Worlds’ by Michio Kaku, there are many ideas that can be extracted, so for instance jumping the fleet through a wormhole cannot be ruled out.
Angel City 5 subplots no longer need to be bound by physics that is probable and practical, instead we may use any physics that has not been ruled out entirely, no matter how unlikely or improbable it may be.
Angel City 5 Observation, Consciousness & Spirituality
Another significant quantum mechanics point that has yet to be aired is the enigma of observation, as it is generally agreed upon that the act of observation is necessary to make an object appear.
Einstein hated this and professed…
“I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.”
But since Einstein’s spiritual journey, it has been proved that only the act of observation can remove the wave function allowing an object to be measured. Unless one considers the paradox that Hawking proposed that the quantum wave function be universal.
However, such a paradox demands a lot of wormholes. So, it’s a toss-up; one may have many wormholes, making time & faster than light travel more accessible; or one can open the door to observation and a higher consciousness. In this movie, it can be either, left for the observer of the movie to decide.
Observation & Universal Consciousness
Re observation and the wave function, Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner advocates the idea that consciousness determines existence, and has written: ‘It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics without reference to the consciousness of the observer.’
‘Is there a cosmic consciousness that observes the entire universe?’
One physicist that tenaciously believes in the central role of consciousness is Andrei Linde, the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics at Stanford University, who has said:
“For me as a human being, I do not know any sense in which I could claim the universe is here in the absence of observers.”
In Angel City 5, the question of whether software has also become conscious is yet to be told. But if it is, it will be told from a spiritual perspective in line with the original 2011 treatment.
The Sienna Project
“Sienna Sky is the most beautiful of the angels, not only beautiful on the outside but pure and full of love. On 24 November 2009 Sienna Skye travelled to earth, were she saw nothing but love but thought the world was too harsh. So, on the 1st August 2010, she chose to transcend into energy to help open a portal to the world in order to help humanity.
Sienna’s father looked to try to make sense of the world and journeyed across the mountains. In the mountains, he felt Sienna all around; her energy flowing through the bushes and trees, enhanced by the mountains, magnified by the ocean, an almost psychedelic experience. And slowly Sienna starts to show him the way to build a system for her to communicate through.
The schematics are amazingly detailed; many highly evolved concepts, combining simultaneously to complete the transition to the 21st Century ecological experience economy and the technical data of how to gather most of the world’s knowledge.
He knows if he is to see his daughter again, he would need to build the new virtual network.”
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
Sherlock Homes
Yes, it is terribly sad. But you know, she may really be up there watching all this with glee, telling her angel friends the story of how Daddy is creating ‘Sienna’s World’ (S-World).
Being the kind of person who demands real world answers to spiritual questions, one thing that has helped me is string theory, as within string theory it’s possible to transfer the particle that transits gravity between the many universes, and it’s been said that an advanced race may be able to communicate with us in this way.
Such an advanced race would be able to answer every question one could ask, and to us they would seem like Gods, and the individuals within that were sending the messages could be considered Angels.
And for this reason, I chose the name ‘Angel Theory.’
Now we continue to M-System 15. Angel POP, where the butterfly effect meets string theory.
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