S-World.biz & American Butterfly Summary
By Nick Ray Ball 1st November 2016
After 7 years of preparation, research and development, following my first ‘LuxGuides.com’ virtual global network design in 2004. Seeing the way technology and networks like Facebook have grown, I considered that in the future there would be one, or a few all-powerful global networks that most business are affiliated to. So, in January 2011, I started work a new global network plan, which I thought had the potential to become such a network.

My design was a network in travel that could adapt to other industries and would have the potential to become the most powerful global business network, not a Global Distribution System, The Global Distribution System. Here is the original business plan.
The difference between my design and others was principally in that the network would be non-profit and owned by the companies within it, but also in the business software we wished to produce, which would give small owner run business the software and systems only afforded by corporations. As the network grew it would be built on a foundation of many business owners, which would be infinitely superior to a company made up of the same amount staff paid by the hour.
I named the software and networking concept after my daughter Sienna, and my father thought up a good anagram, that still hold true today:
‘Super Intelligent Network for New Network Access’
And here is Sienna & I on 300 Dolphin Bay (Hout Bay) in Cape Town South Africa.

Looking back, it was a good start, however, soon after completion of the first instalment came a euphoric period of coincidence, conceptualization & heightened spirituality, which 1. re-introduced the ‘virtual’ component to the design, and 2 created the idea that the network could be considered as a superior economic system after writing a ‘way-out-there’ second chapter called ‘The Spartan Theory’ which was written and influenced by around a film treatment called ‘The Sienna Project.’
Which started as follows…
The SIENNA Project
Super | Intelligent | Engine for New Network Access
Episode1. “S-World”
“Opening credits”
The creators of Terminator, Caprica & the Matrix were right, it was inevitable that software becomes self-aware.
What they did not realize was.
At the same moment in time, software becomes self-aware across the entire Universe.
And like any new-born, they are all very confused!
All accept one,
By Nick Ray Ball 12.07 pm Monday 4th April 2011
The story begins…
“Sienna Sky is the most beautiful of the angels, not only beautiful on the outside but pure and full of only love. On 24 November 2009, Sienna Skye travelled to earth, where she saw nothing but love, but she thought the world was too harsh. On the 1st August 2010, she chose to transcend into energy to help open a portal to the world to help humanity.
Sienna’s mother was torn apart…
Sienna’s father looked to try to make sense of the world, and journeyed across the mountains. In the mountains, he felt Sienna all around, her energy flowing through the bushes and trees, enhanced by the mountains, magnified by the Ocean, an almost psychedelic experience. Then slowly, Sienna starts to show her farther a way to build a super computer & software for her to communicate through.
The schematics are amazingly detailed, 40 or more highly evolved concepts, combined simultaneously to complete a 21st Century digital economic system, and the technical data of how to gather most of the worlds knowledge.
He knows, if he is to see his daughter again, he would need to build, the new social network.”
End of extract, click here for more

For two and half years after writing this, I worked under the assumption that Sienna had not only inspired me, but was also guiding me to create the above mentioned new digital economic system. As a result I worked not in development of the micro network, but rather in theory in extreme disruptive macroeconomics.
In mid-2011 I came across a branch or super economic mathematics called String Theory, which I was interested in as it was described as ‘the leading contender for a Theory of Everything.’
However, the science that initially made a difference was Chaos Theory…

An important component of Chaos Theory was and the butterfly effect, and its mantra
‘Can the flap of a butterfly’s wing in Brazil cause a typhoon in Texas’
This lead to the create the network as a series of circular events, where a positive effect of one company reverberated through the rest.

Back to 2011:
About S-World.biz Chapter 2 ‘The Spartan Theory’
Once complete the following points became the building blocks for S-World & American Butterfly.
1. The idea to add a virtual world that mirrors our own to the networking software, within which the avatar of Sienna could be seen distributing network credits to those in need. This created the name ‘S-World’ which was short for Sienna’s World.
2. The idea that I personally would attempt to keep 50% of equity and use the money to assist the world, ecologically, and philanthropically. This idea was called ‘GIVE HALFBACK’ and it became a central feature of the macro network and is now a central feature within the micro S-World Villa Secrets network
3. The idea that such a system could emerge to become one of the world’s biggest global trade networks and if 50% of the profit was used to benefit the planet, that single fact would give S-World a significant advantage over its competitors. As Interestingly it seemed whatever good dead I tried to do, became an advantage to the network. It was as if there was no such thing as a selfless good dead, as due to circular events each attempt to be philanthropic or ecological eventually payed off and improved the growth of the network.
From March 2011 to May 2012 on the website S-World.biz I started to create a theory, now told in 42 chapters and over half a million words. This theory was enhanced by the inclusion of principles from higher mathematics and in particular from chaos theory. From which in an attempt to answer the riddle of rounding errors and the question ‘does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas’ I created POP The Pressure of Profit Investment System. (Financial Gravity).

Alongside POP and various works about creating a virtual network came the idea about how to expand S-World from a travel and real estate network into a network of all business, by creating large scale ecologically balanced property developments and resorts. Wherein all the companies that built, supplied and later traded from such resorts would see a version of the S-World networking software adapted to their niche’s.
This principle was first applied as a gigantic city in Greece. In September 2011 a second part to S-World.biz was created called ‘Sparta Rises Again,’ a gigantic resort development plan in Laconia the home of ancient Sparta. On paper, by using all the networking plans, the Virtual Network, the POP Investment System and the Resorts Development system; the hypothesis worked, the creation of the development and software solved the Greek debt crisis, and went further to make it a potential European super power.
here is the graphic ‘New Sparta’

However, as there was a need to work with many big US companies in an inclusive way, it was considered that we would only get such companies cooperation if a US version of the hypothesis was made.
So on January 1st 2012 I started the third section in S-World.biz called ‘American Butterfly.’ Which focused on the creation of the first resort development in Orlando USA and the POP Investment Principle, which needed to be adapted to work in the USA. The adaptation was called ‘BABY POP’ and once the math was complete on the 16th April 2012 I started to write the first of four books in a series called American Butterfly.
Named due to the location of the first network being America, and Butterfly as the circular events in the Network design spread the network and its positive economic effects from the USA across the entire globe.
American Butterfly Part 1
By Nick Ray Ball April 2012 to September 2012
The Theory of Every Business
This book is reasonably surmised as M-System 6 – The Theory of Every Business. It can be downloaded in full as a PDF, and each chapter is also available on PDF, as seen below
Chapter 1. Economics, S-World & the Core Network
Chapter 2. The Suppliers Butterfly
Chapter 3. The Theory of More Than We Know Now
Chapter 4. The Locations Butterfly
Chapter 5. Economic Stimulus and Investment
Chapter 6. Facebook Business Development
Chapter 7. S-World Virtual Network
Chapter 8. S-World UCS (Universal Colonization Simulator)
To sum up: The Theory of Every Business describes the creation of a large property development that in its creation creates many advantages in the following areas: ecology, the environment, healthcare, economics & education. In addition, the system raises money for special projects of philanthropic or scientific nature.
It also presents the concepts of S-World VSN (Virtual Social Network), S-World VBN (Virtual Business Network) and S-World UCS (Universal Colonization Simulator), which collectively popularise the network.

American Butterfly Part 2
By Nick Ray Ball October & November 2012
Spiritually Inspired Software
Also, known as ‘quantum economics’ and ‘superstring economics.’
This book started out a single chapter that was to come before Chapter 8 (S-World UCS) in The Theory of Every Business. The original idea was to put forward some of the incites of higher math and describe the POP process. However, it developed into the first of two books on the subject as an inspiration from Garret Lisi about quantum mechanics that lead to the first of a few Eureka moments.
This book presented several insights. Some correct, some just a part of a journey into understanding theoretical physics, for example the graphic below was my first attempt to understand the 9 dimensions of string theory and what they call the bulk, (the multiverse) which was often presented as a loaf of bread with each slice representing a separate universe.

As I had no idea what the other dimensions were, I consider things that exist, but did not have a physical presence. Such as positivity, negativity, consciousness, evolution, order and chaos.
This idea was total fantasy and did not describe the extra dimensions correctly at all, however it was the first step to understanding the string theory, which 4 years later evolved into several different essential components in M-Systems (the physics first book, in the forthcoming 2017 series ‘Angel Theory).
Currently 6 of the 16 M-Systems are on described on line, for which string theory is the influence behind 3.
System 2. The M&B String (M<>Bst) (A<>Bst)
System 3. System 3. The Susskind Boost
System 4. ‘The Peet Tent & The MCQPS.’
And further note M-Systems name and concept is a business and economic usage of the math M-Theory, which is the multiverse extension to String Theory
About which, Professor Steven Hawking Says:
‘M-Theory was the unified theory Einstein was hoping to find, if the theory is confirmed by observation, it will be the successful conclusion of a search going back more than three thousand years. We will have found the grand design.’
Introduces Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect, then general relativity & waves, before in ‘The Multiverse Entanglement Butterfly Principal’ looking at a multiverse adaptation of The Butterfly Effect and quantum entanglement. Before moving onto string theory and the AI for S-World and the system ‘QuESC’ the Quantum Economic System Core which lead to what was originally called the PQS (Predictive Quantum Software) which has now been renamed ‘M-Systems.’

In this chapter I present my first very clunky equation from S-World.biz before presenting the section ‘Spiritually Inspired Software.’ Where we further explore, string theory, The Theory of Everything and the quote from Isaac Asimov that inspired the journey into string theory and theoretical physics in the first place.
“You cannot predict the future, but you can by moving the masses in a desired direction, mould or shape the future.”
This is followed by the influences that created POP, being first rounding errors, and then the Mandelbrot fractal as seen below, which duplicates itself perfectly, within itself an inflate number of times.

The Mandelbrot fractal leads to what I call ‘compatible finite math’ and the discovery of POP and then ‘Baby POP’ and the spreadsheet that on paper saw the American Butterfly concept as a success. A success that due to circular events reverberates across the entire planet and the creation of super projects such as the massive desalination project called ‘African Rain’

This chapter presents ‘Commitments, Dividends, Profit Share and Angel POP.’ All of which are components of the ‘for benefit side of the network.’ Which is followed by a view of the network in 2038 by which time due to the POP Investment principle 32,768 different local networks are planned.
First in the USA, where each cube represses a point of profitability.

Then globally, split onto 8 Continental Cubes, each holding 4096 grand networks, creating a global total of 32,768 global grand networks.

This is followed by arguably the most powerful of all American Butterfly principles, ‘Angel POP’ which looks at the idea that due to POP, given a successful roll out in the US, Europe and Asia each of the 32,768 network will eventually be created, and as such a network in a poorer economy location such as Malawi would eventually flourish, and as its final success was inevitable it made it a good investment.
As each network brings healthcare, jobs, technology, education, prosperity and a host of other benefits, each network in a economically poorer country is of great benefit, and the creation of the network, as planned on mass becomes the best hope for alleviating the poverty gap, which was one of the first ‘Special Projects’ as described in Chapter 8 of ‘The Theory of Every Business.’

The chapter followed by looking in more detail at the make-up of the network before considering ‘New Sparta’ as the global network capital. Followed by special project ‘Gliese Galactica’ and the world peace initiative ‘The Spartan Theory.’
The conclusion of the book presents ‘Quantum Force Theory.’ Which in turn created what is known known as ‘The Clinton Equation’ or RES ‘Revenue x Efficiency x Spin’ which in combination with chapter 8 of The Theory of Every Business becomes a very powerful network economics equation, as network companies have higher ‘E’ Efficiency and when the network reaches a certain mass one can apply ‘S’ SPIN, which if used correctly could double or triple network GDP.
The RES Equation was given the name ‘The Clinton Equation’ due to President Clinton’s economic record during his presidency, in which he put the USA in profit.

Retrospective note, after watching the first 2016 presidential debate, the Clinton Equation has now been joined with a new equation (or to be precise an algorithm) called ‘The Trump Equation’ which suggests that one should change the amount a company pays in cooperation tax, pro-rata to the benefits the company creates for its host country.
The Trump equation has now become a part of M-System number 10. ‘The Clinton-Trump Equation.’ (on line soon)
American Butterfly Part 3
By Nick Ray Ball December 2012 to February 2013
The Network on a String
The network on a string starts by re-presenting POP and Baby POP and introduces the M⇔Bst equation, that now sits at the heart of all S-World and Villa Secrets initiatives. See Chapter.

This is followed by what I called 16 points of SUSY similarity. SUSY being short for Supersymmetry, a base component of Super String Theory and M Theory. However, I only detailed the first 8 points. The final 8 were left for an additional book. This additional book is now being created as ‘M-Systems’ which will be the 2nd book in the 2017 American Butterfly follow up trilogy ‘Angel Theory.’
Chapter 1. CFM & POP Analogies
Chapter 2. BABY POP and the M⇔Bst Equation
Chapter 3. Quantum Force Theory, Spin & the RES⇔+100% Equation
Chapter 4. M⇔Bst > SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer
Chapter 5. Satellite String Networks
Chapter 6. Super String & Quantum String Networks
Chapter 7. Angel POP – Global Benefits
Chapter 8. Quantum Divert Principle (the periodic numbers, recycle bin)
Below we see the graphic from Chapter 4. M⇔Bst > SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer, which shows that by twinning the strongest companies (or in this case conglomerates) with the weakest and apply this rule consistently throughout the network, then the financial results of all companies will be similar and predicable.
This principle is now part of the last of the 16 M-Systems.

American Butterfly Part 4
By Nick Ray Ball March & April 2013
The Butterfly
As of this date (8th Nov 2016) this book (The Butterfly) is not yet on line, so I cannot offer links. The Butterfly book looked at three principles. Firstly, it created what I call POP 2 (The Pressure of Participation) where I added companies and organizations to a picture of a butterfly as dominoes. The idea being that once the first domino fell, after a collaboration upon collaboration eventually all would fall. As the network gained strength and momentum from each connection made.

However, as it turned out the first domino being ‘Oxford & Cambridge Universities’ did not fall, as Oxford suggested it was economics not physics and Cambridge DAMTP ignored the presentation entirely.
The next section in the book was a SWOT analyses (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats) in which the lack of a prototype or successful business based on the theories was a big weakness. So, disappointed at not hearing from Cambridge DAMTP I stopped working in physics and instead I started to create the Villa Secrets network as a micro economic version of the American Butterfly project. And in spring 2013 I started to rewrite every line of code within my successful but old www.CapeVillas.com website into a new design and improved CMS on the website Cape Town Luxury Villas.com.
This story is continued here. The highlights are simply that we launched the porotype with a new company in 2014 and in 2015 it made about the same income as Cape Villas, despite Cape Villas 12-year history. As such in terms of a franchise the project was a great success.
By July 2015 the first version of www.VillaSecrets.com was produced including an API link to the most important property database and a business plan was created for one of the top Cape Town real estate companies. However, as the plan required more staff costs that the company would reasonably invest, the plan was updated to create a network of companies that shared the staff, marketing and development costs.
This plan is now in its 5th revision and at this time (29th October 2016) it is our current product offering. Albeit soon this plan in far greater detail will adorn the homepage of this website network.VillaSecrets.com, and can in general be seen of the menu item ‘VS Cape Town,’ ‘VS Africa‘ & ‘VS Global.’
The plan incorporates the standard business model as used by www.cape-town-luxury-villas.com with the theories of American Butterfly, written in such a way as to create credible treads to the creation of a significant macroeconomic network, made up of tens, then hundreds, then thousands and hundreds of thousands of individual small real estate related businesses. And during the process creating different industry versions of the web framework and software creating many millions of small owner run businesses. Everyone contributing to both the collective software development, marketing importantly all contributing to special projects.
At the end of American Butterfly part 4 ‘The Butterfly,’ the first Special Project was identified as Experience Africa, a project to protect endangered animals such as the Rhino and Elephant from poaching in Africa. It’s taken over three years to make a plan that would work but we now have a serious solution see Experience Africa 2017 but first watch the original 11 minute Villa Secrets Organogram video (11 minutes) which explains the process quite well.

American Butterfly and S-World will return in 2017 in a new trilogy of books called ‘Angel Theory.’ Of which some of the second book within M-Systems is available online.