Angel Theory pt1
M-Systems 4.16
From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 Dimensions
From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 Dimensions
By Nick Ray Ball 21st to 30th May 2016

From The M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst in 9 dimensions
B-Greene-Hawking Dimensions
By Nick Ray Ball 31st May 2016
M-Systems 0, 2, 5, 9, 15, 16
Pythagoras 1st theory of strings
Extract from Professor Hawking’s ‘The Grand Design’ Chapter 2, pt.
According to legend, the first mathematical formulation of what we might today call a law of nature dates back to an Ionian named Pythagoras (circa 580 to 490 BC.) Pythagoras is said to have discovered the numerical relationship between the length of the strings used in musical instruments, and the harmonic combinations of the sounds. In today’s language, we would describe that relationship, by saying that the-frequency-the number of vibrations per second -of a string vibrating under fixed tension is inversely proportional to the length of the string. From the practice point of view, this explains why shorter guitar strings are at a higher pitch than longer ones.
There is evidence that there is some relation between string length and pitch was known in his day. If so, one could call that simple mathematical formula the first instance of what we now know as theoretical physics.
Creating the network as sets of strings of businesses.
By Nick Ray Ball 21st May 2016
At the quantum end of our journey we start with just 1 company ‘Cape Town Luxury’ (CTLV), which specialises in the hire of luxury villas. CTLV will be joined at first by 7 similar but not directly competing companies to create an open string of 8 companies within the industries: real estate & travel in a specific location, in this case Cape Town in South Africa.
Each company in the string is chosen. Not only on individual ability but also on the positive effects it would create for the other companies in the string. We have a simple equation for this Ast⇔Bst. Which becomes part of a set of rules for a software program called the ‘PQS’ (Predictive Quantum Software) (M-Systems)
Key in this equation (Ast⇔Bst) is the ‘⇔‘ the iteration, the various feedback loops, ripple effects & Butterfly Effects which create new profit centres for each company just by participation of the other companies in the string.
In the case of our prototype Cape Town Luxury Villas (CTLV), the other companies in the string will create 31 different profit centres or actions. These different points are measured as having a force of 1 to 4 depending on the measure of the effect.
The resulting benefit to CTLV from the other companies we desire in the first string is ’53.’
The other letters are the other companies in the string and the points of increased profitability made for each from the rest.
Originally, in The Theory of Every Business this effect was championed throughout the book as the creation of circular events presented as ‘Butterflies.’
I hope one grasps the point. A lot of consideration is put into creating strings of companies that benefit from the other members of the string. Strings of business are economically superior to collections of individual business.
In addition to the open string, comes benefits from the non-profit marketing and development of closed strings, which apply the Susskind Boost I78⇔J61⇔K34 Villa Secrets, Experience Africa & ‘Lx.’
I, J and K are closed strings, non-profit industry specific companies that apply boost to strings.
Similar to the Higgs Field (that gives mass to particles) but as well as giving they receive. In fact, they receive a lot 25% of gross profit.
‘L’ is the soon to be registered charity ‘The Sienna Foundation.’ This is best described in physics & M-Theory as a membrane (a universe). We desire other philanthropist such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson, Hani Farsi and ‘the Mandela’s’ to create other brains that fit within the Bulk (multiverse).
The most developed closed string is Villa Secrets, unless it is laying the foundation for a new string, Villa Secrets and other closed strings do not buy or sell anything. They exist only to boost the open strings and to lay a tent over them so no business can ever fail. Smoothing out the quantum behaviour of individual business, turning them into strings of predictability.
From this starting point, a number of factors combine to create a final result. Two critically important components are The Susskind Boost & the Amanda Stretch, (Peet tent) inspired by the teachings of Professors Amanda Peet and Leonard Susskind.
The M & B String (M⇔Bst)
By Nick Ray Ball 23rd May 2016
The M⇔Bst (pronounced ‘the m and b string’) was first considered in the 2nd American Butterfly book, which had a number of working titles… ‘Spiritually Inspired Software’ , ‘Super String Economics’ or ‘Quantum Economics,’ according to taste…
It then became a prominent part of part 3 ‘The Network on a String’ as a part of a Supersymmetry concept. That ended up becoming the bridge back from the physics of 2011 to 2013 into the businesses plan of 2015.
It all started very simply. The M⇔Bst was a simple and natural equation that allowed us to consider the effects of a ‘POP overflow’ string of companies, on the new string it would develop, and vice versa.
In much of nature and humanity, initially one has a mother who has a baby. And at first the baby is completely reliant on the mother. But as time passes we the ‘⇔’ iteration (feedback loops) (ripple effects) (circular events) (Butterfly Effects) that create a symbiotic relationship, where both mother and baby benefit from the relationship. And then in later life the baby will often look after the mother.
Then after the Bst was the extended family that also created mutually beneficial iteration (feedback loops) (ripple effects) (circular events) (Butterfly effects).
This was the ‘secret source’ behind American Butterfly: ‘Theory of Every Business,’ which when combined with POP and Baby created the grand network design.
POP. The Pressure of Profit
POP is quite complex and is explained in detail in a later chapter. For now, just consider that each set of 8 companies that make a string (or tier 1 network) which has a point of gross profit. Where after all additional profit is invested into the creation of a new string (tier 1 network). And when that string reaches its profit point, the profit of both parent and baby equally pour into a 3rd string. And over time, in fact at the macro level in no time at all, tens then hundreds of strings will be pouring all additional profit into a new string that will be created ten then a hundred times faster. Creating what looks like ‘high string coupling in M-Theory.’
But this effect is for a later chapter. For now, just consider that on mass it creates a global financial framework of predictable amounts of gross profit, which when created in a hologram looks a lot like Newtonian space. And with some modification general relativity.
Whilst I fort created the M⇔Bst, in 2013 it would take 2 more years before it evolved as a practice system as after not receiving accreditation for American Butterfly book 3 ‘The Network on a String,’ I created a 4th book ‘The Butterfly’ based on a SWOT analysis, which showed the lack of a working prototype was a great weakness. So, in the spring of 2013 my work changed towards focusing on creating the web framework, and income generating prototypes, and for close to two years the macroeconomic theoretical side of S-World was not worked on, in place was a reverse engineered microeconomic network.
However, the way the microeconomic network was created was in a way that fitted with American Butterfly. And when in the summer of 2015 the work of American Butterfly was added to S-World Villa Secrets, theatrical physics once again became a part of the business plan.
There were a variety of considerations and in particular the transformation from the M⇔Bst to the Ast⇔Bst
Which is just the same, except we are plotting the ‘⇔’ iteration (feedback loops) (circular events) (ripple effects) (Butterfly Effects) between two or more companies in a string. And in plotting this, it solved what was a huge problem in the business plan.
The problem with the business plan was we had only one successful prototype in the niche ‘luxury villa rental in Cape Town.’ And whilst given the financials and supporting data was worth about $200,000, the fact that we were creating another 7 versions made potential purchasers worry which is to be expected. Normally if one sells a business, one signs a restraint of trade clause so the previous owner does not create a competing business. But in the S-World model, the previous owner (me) was openly saying I was creating 7 more businesses in the niche of luxury + real estate &/ or travel.
At first following the lessons learnt in chapter 2 of American Butterfly: ‘The Suppliers Butterfly,’ in which I created different sub categories where there was enough room in the string for all companies to have specific and different main profit centres.
So, we had the following:
- A Villa Rental company
- An Architect
- A Villa Hotel
- An Apartment Specialist
- A Safari Specialist
- A Real Estate Agent
- An International Villa Rental company
- And 8 was a loss leader PR company
This list is still much the same. Except now to make the general relativity within the sting more obvious, I am considering exchanging the loss leader PR company for a big brand, such as Virgin.
Then on a spreadsheet I plotted all the advantages that each company creates for the other.
For CTLV, there were 31 different profit centres or actions. These different points are measured as having a force of 1 to 4 depending on the measure of the effect.
The resulting benefit to CTLV from the other companies we desire in the first string is ’53.’
So, we add 53 to the equation and also calculate all the advantages of all the companies on each other. And added advantage made from the from the nonprofit marketing and development closed strings, Villa Secrets (I), Experience Africa (J) Plus a new company considered for a different string/1st tier network ‘Lx. (K) and the parent charity ‘The Sienna Foundation.’
Whilst this looks complicated, when I wrote down the 31 specific reasons why CTLV would do better as part of a string of companies, which I hoped would it made it clear to any prospective investor that it was best to invest in CTLV as a part of the network.
Soon after when working out the Susskind Boost, I applied the benefits of the companies in the string as one of the sources of boost and the benefits of companies in other strings as another source of boost.
And that was the basic principle, calculating the ripple effects calmed investors, and at the same time highlighted opportunities. It also showed which companies were of the most benefit to the network, indeed due to the low score of creating ‘Lx.’ This project was placed on hold.
However during a walk earlier today, and the 3rd or 4th listen to Stephen Hawking’s description of string theory and its dimensions in – Chapter 5 of The Grand Design audiobook, I had a new inspiration.
Preciously back in 2012 Professor Brian Greene introduced the concept of curled up small dimensions. This point has been well made by Brian Greene in his The Elegant Universe documentaries and other presentations.
In which Professor Greene looks at a telegraph wire from about 100 meters away, on which there is an ant. We can only see the wire in one dimension, as a straight line. Then a zoom in on the ant shows that for the ant, it has 2 dimensions, forwards and back along the straight line, and round the wire.
It’s odd that I did not understand this at the time. And so, it’s likely not everyone reading will understand. I had not really seen the picture, as it was possible for the ant to be on the opposite side of the wire and so it could not be seen at all.
However, swop the ant for a football that is stitched to the wire and it’s easier to follow. We can see the big football and we can from 100m out give a very good idea how far along it is on the wire. But we cannot see exactly which part of the curve of the wire it is attached to.
Now, it makes perfect sense. When seen from a great distance, curved dimensions or a curved dimension has a value that can be measured but not seen from a distance.
Let’s hear how Hawking describes the above in chapter 5 of The Grand Design.
According to string theory, particles are not points but patterns of vibration that have length but no height or width, like infinitely thin pieces of string which are consistent only if space-time has 10 dimensions.
If they are present why don’t we notice these extra dimensions? According to string theory they are curved up into a space of very small size. To picture this, imagine a 2 dimensions’ plane, (we call the plain 2 dimensional because you need 2 numbers, for instance horizontal and vertical coordinates, to locate any point on it.)
Another two-dimensional space is the surface of a straw. To locate a point on that space you need to know where along the straws length the point is and where along its circular dimension. But if the straw is very thin, you would get a very good approximate position employing only the coordinate that runs along the straw’s length, so you might ignore the circular dimension.
And if the straw was a million, million., million, million, millionth of an inch in diameter, you would not notice the extra dimension at all.
In string theory the extra dimensions have important physical significance.
After reading Hawking’s explanation for the third or fourth time, the penny dropped and I could see how there could be a dimension, i.e. a coordinate, that was so small that it could not be seen, which explained one of the dimensions. But how the other 5 worked was still a mystery until I applied the principle to the current growth model for the network and the values our first sting has from the other members of its string
First I considered that like the 6 extra dimensions of string theory, there was no way of actually seeing the links. But using quantum mechanics we could plot the probability of the overall effect of the string as a whole.
Consider in our first string A and C…
A is the villa rental company, which primarily rents villas. C is an architect that builds and so has a good network in place to recruit stock, to recruit villas to the network.
There is no contract that says of the villas that C mandates, 15% to 25% of the days booked a year will be rented by company A. But seeing as company A is the official rental company and of the string, it’s very likely that Company A will rent 15% to 25% of the nights rented.
This is just one of many examples, scoring 2 out of the 53 points of boost that company ‘A’ has from the rest of the string and the Susskind boost open string. Without a doubt one could use probability math inspired by quantum mechanics to give the 53 points of boost a variety of probabilities. However, for now, it’s not necessary as its clear that due to the string each company within is better off as a part of the string.
So, I considered these 53 points of the Susskind boost as similar to another dimension, as we can’t see any of the advantages, and there is no contract to them and there is no way to tell exactly which will affect which company and when. But there is a distinct effect, and one that can it terms of quantum probabilities be measured.
However, this only solved the mystery of 1 dimension. And at first I thought I could try to split the different parts of the 52 points of boost into 6 different categories. But then thought it should be 8, and then back to 6.
For a long time, I tried to avoid the need to follow the actual rules that applied to our universe. But since Hawking made the remark that by following nature we follow an economically compress system, with the benefit of billions of years of fine tuning, where ever possible I try to look for the answer that is in nature.
So with 6 or 8 different sub categories for the different parts of the 35 points of boost.
I thought as we are later looking for companies to create internal strings by having staff make their own sub business and by merging or buying out companies, as these two items were contractual, and so they could be like our current 3 dimensions as they can be clearly seen. So, 6 noncontractual sub categories and 2 or 3 contractual categories
And then the penny dropped again, I was forcing the model to mimic string theory, not letting string theory guide the model.
And one of my most happy thoughts…and that was… yes, we can apply the 51 points of noncontractual boost as a dimension. But for the next 5 dimensions we will look to do the exact same thing, but for the global network.
Let’s see the latest Villa Secrets growth model and note that the column below that starts with 1.00 is a multiplier based on various conditions, such as higher property prices, more properties, less prototypes etc.…

You can’t see it completely clearly as this is the business plan not the structure of POP. But you get the idea.
What you’re not seeing is the strings in different industries and the creation of the global cube.
Let’s go back to POP basics and the cube.

Cube one (a micro string) is the Villa Secrets Cape Town string. Cube 8 (standard string) is another 7 industries in the same location. Cube 64, spreads out further geographically and is 8 sets of state/county strings, and 512 is a country string.
The exact geographical names are not precise and just a guide. But by the time the cube is to the cubed power of 9
1 > 8 > 64 > 512 > 4,096 > 32,768 > 262,144 > 2,097,152 > 16,777,216 we see the global network.
In each case, we can create new Ast⇔Bst additions to the Susskind boost, if we go back to…
We are actually seeing the effects of all of the initial stage in the first Villa Secrets string. And then K is a company in a different string and J is from another string Experience Africa.
We have already accounted for 2 types of boost, the Susskind String from Ast⇔Bst being the effect of the different companies within a string and the effect of all the other strings. However, to be more precise we should treat every string like a different dimension and calculate the Ast⇔Bst
according to the different cubed groups
So A53 would be either
A d142 + d26+5+ d3? + d4? + d5? + d6? + d7? + d8? + d9?
A d142 + d25+ d3? + d4? + d56 + d6? + d7? + d8? + d9?
In the top string, we presume that both and Experience Africa are different companies within the cube of 8 Cape Town strings (a standard string). And in the bottom string we see that Experience Africa’s string has been founded in the 5th dimension in Tanzania or Botswana and not Cape Town, South Africa.
And so, we now have 9 different sectors that we can use to increase boost via the Ast⇔Bst method which is an improved model.
As for string theory, to a degree we have actually got the correct number of dimensions. The 6 smaller dimensions which can’t be seen, then the last 3 that are so big they can be seen. And contacts can probably be made because of analysing the country, continent, and global cubes.
So, that 8 dimensions of space and as always one of time, and the universal dimension above creating the 10th dimension on M-Theory. So, we are 1 dimension light.