An Ecological and Philanthropic Theory of Everything plus Space
Angel Theory – Paradigm Shift: 1.2b
M-Systems > S-World Special Projects
An Ecological and Philanthropic Theory of Everything plus Space
By Nick Ray Ball 24th November 2017
Part 2b: S-World Special Projects
M-System 14. Angel Cities
The S-World Special Projects: 16 massive Ecological, Philanthropic, and Complexity Saving initiatives, created as a consequence of developing Grand Networks in locations of abject poverty.
Inspired by Sienna Skye
Happy 8th Birthday My Darling
In 1,495 Words
Version 7.09-tk
Angel Theory Special Projects
An Ecological and Philanthropic Theory of Everything… plus Space.
In the following presentation, we find 16 Special Projects; half of which are ecological, all of which matter. This is not a definitive list, rather it is the beginning of a larger conversation about ‘how can we accomplish as much good as possible?’
Before we begin, a note that this chapter is an extension of the first ever chapter to appear on; and that the extension of this chapter Book 3.14: ‘Ripple Effects, Elephants, et al.’ is currently the conclusion to Angel Theory, which looks at the same list of special projects, adds a further 10, and describes how each project is created as a consequence of creating a ‘Grand Network’ in Malawi or Zimbabwe (or both).
24 very significant ripple effects created as a consequence of creating the Malawi Grand Network, as is described throughout Angel Theory Book 3.
The GDP Game
The critical point (in terms of ‘how can we accomplish as much good as possible?) is simply that once the software is created, all of the following projects presented are created from the ripple effects of investment not donations.
And so current philanthropic funding can carry on funding what it funds, business and countries can invest in S-World bonds, see a significant return, and accomplish the most good as a part of the process.
The S-World TBS™ (Total Business Software)
We do, however, need such philanthropists in the creation of the software. This said, even the software phase is an investment (and in my opinion the wisest of all S-World opportunities), as it creates the first three Super Projects: 1. S-World TBS ™ (Total Business Systems), 2. S-World VSN™ (Virtual Social Network), and 3. S-World UCS™ (Universal Colonization Simulator). All of which have a significant profit component.
S-World VSN™ (Virtual Social Network)
S-World UCS (Universal Colonization Simulator)
In terms of dollars spent vs. return, the cost of this software development is not cheap, but its potential philanthropic and ecological return is almost limitless; as each Grand Network created in a location of abject poverty activates 20 plus special projects in its location. And so, the answer to ‘How can we accomplish as much good as possible?’ is… Help me develop the S-World software.
Special Project 1. Angel City 1 ‘Experience Africa’ (2020)
Special Project 1. Experience Africa is already underway, as the 20 unique and beneficial systems of Villa Secrets are set to create superior systems for the safari industry and thousands of related businesses; which by 2020 has the potential to provide game changing funding for the protection of Elephants, Rhinos, Cheetahs, and other endangered animals.
Special Project 2. The Ecological Economy
The second of 8 ecological Special Projects, The Ecological Economy goes back to the very beginning of S-World and the movie ‘The Sienna Project,’ in which Sienna shows me, her father ‘The Ecological Experience Economy’ (EEE). This economy protects our planet!
Special Project 3. Advancing Human Potential
One purpose of the software and systems: S-World VSN, S-World VBN, & S-World UCS is to advance human potential by giving everyone the systems to compete with the big guys, and then see them all flourish as equity holders in the new S-World network economy.
Special Project 4. Cities of Science
Another early ambition now turned special project, Super-grand-networks (large city sized resort developments) dedicated to scientific exploration. Plus, in general, funding for science.
Special Project 5. Equality & The Poverty Gap
This system is very old and now very advanced. It is all of M-System 6. ‘The Theory of Every Business,’ ‘M-System 15. Angel POP,’ and it is Einstein’s theory of general relativity within the E-TOE (Economic Theory of Everything).
Special Project 6. Sienna’s Forests
Initially made for grand networks, which would need to buy rainforests to be forever preserved, or create new forests so their ecological footprint balances. Now, also a general principle to commoditise rainforest so they are too expensive to log.
Special Project 7. Global Cooling
Supporting Tesla and others and creating massive solar projects. Within grand networks, each property is sold with a budget (usually 6.25% of the cost of the home) for an electronic car. Only electronic cars or select top end sports and prestige cars can drive in grand networks.
Special Project 8. Universal Knowledge
Each grand network development has a university that teaches subjects that lead to skills needed to get a good S-World job. Plus, S-World VSN and UCS provide open university courses.
Special Project 9. Spartan Contracts
Nongraduate opportunities. Give us 16 years work and you will own your own home. Take gap years, construction workers can follow the sun and move from grand network to network and see the world. Nurses can do the same with the opportunity to train as doctors.
Special Project 10. Global Healthcare
Each grand network development is built around an ‘SURH,’ a Super University Resort Hospital; a 5 to 7-star experience with extremely expensive ‘Medi-Villas’ attached. The objective of the network is to create networks evenly around the world, so everyone is near one SURH or another.
Special Project 10b. Limiting Antibiotics
This special project seeks solutions to the problem of the overuse of Antibiotics. This problem is very misunderstood, but simple enough to summarise. If we carry on as we are, there will only be resistant bacteria left and we’re all going to die! We can start by stopping it and not putting it on crops.
Special Project 11. African Rain
A mass solar desalinization project for North and East Africa, the Middle East, USA, and other locations. Creating super grand networks (Over 100 sq. miles) in desert locations by adding water.
Special Project 12. Their Oceans
An apocalyptic problem for the Ocean’s population are the plastic bags, packaging, & straws that are thrown away. Every single day, over 500 million straws are thrown away in the USA alone. There are perfectly good paper straws that would do for a cost of only a tenth of a cent more.
Special Project 13. Middle Earth
This is a very cool project that has commercial applications, building underground resort developments (in particular) in location of poor weather. This expensive and very long-term project saves our asses in all sorts of ELE (Extinction Level Event) scenarios.
Special Project 14. The Population Point
This, the hardest of all special projects to apply without affecting free will, has a radical solution made possible by the E-TOE. Most 1st world economic countries’ population is static, we must replicate the economics across the globe (see Angel POP & the E-TOE).
Special Project 15. The Spartan Theory
The Spartan Theory is whatever will bring peace; from dictators stepping down from politics to live and have a small say over the new super-grand-networks in their country, to all countries pitching in to the fight against poaching and fighting side by side against a common enemy.
Special Project 16. Universal Colonization
This is the ultimate achievement in the S-World UCS game. The ultimate special project, flying ourselves to the stars in a fleet of ships, speeding our complexity (our essence) across the galaxy, ensuring our survival come what may.
This special project has been made much more achievable due to Elon Musk’s ambitions to create a transport system to MARS. If Musk wishes to provide the transportation, then S-World wishes to become the developers, the O2 and H2O suppliers, and the leaders in MARS industries; as we export the theory of every business to MARS Resort 1, a 10,000 square KM stellar-grand-network.
Going back a few years, while researching branding for my pitch to VIRGIN back in 2008 and 2009, I took my Cape Villas team (from management to domestics) to ‘Enlighten’ branding lectures and boot camps.
From the lectures, the clip I remember most was of a janitor sweeping the floor; who when asked ‘what are you doing?’ looked curiously and said simply, ‘I’m sweeping the floor.’
This was followed by a clip of a NASA janitor, also sweeping the floor; who when asked the same question replied proudly: ‘I’m helping put a man on the moon!’
Space did that, and whilst space has not been in vogue for a while now, thanks to Virgin Galactic & Elon Musk’s SpaceX’ providing a very credible initiative to get to space and Mars on mass, there is new interest. And this mission can be a great unifier of nations and rallier of teams once again, as all who work with and for S-World can proudly say about their day’s efforts: