The S-World UCS M-Systems: 10 to 14
Angel Theory – Paradigm Shift: 1.2
Part 2. The S-World UCS™ M-Systems
By Nick Ray Ball 24th November 2017
Part 2: The S-World UCS™ M-Systems
M-Systems: 9 to 14
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.” (Isaac Asimov)
Inspired by Sienna Skye
In 1,191 Words
Version 7.07-t
M-System 10 – The RES Equation – Revenue, Efficiency, Spin (2012 – 2016)
A powerful but simple economic equation that can only be fully effective within a digital economy. Take the initial income of a network (R), measure a company not from its profit alone but also the profit made from its expenses (E), optimize E, and Spin (increase the speed of all spending).
M-System 10 – The RES Equation – Financial Equivalence (2017)
Later, we will talk of S-World UCS MARS Resort 1. Fact or fiction remains to be seen, but on Mars we can implement the RES equation with a 100% Efficiency, which is to say every cent spent is accounted for; where after we cut tax and spin creating a supercharged economy unimaginable on earth. We call this ‘Financial Equivalence.’ Our inspiration: ‘the law of conservation of energy.’
M-System 11 – QuESC (The Quantum Economic System Core) (2012 – 2016)
The heart of the M-System’s design is founded on the notion by Hawking that ‘People are like Atoms,’ QuESC entangles us ‘the people’ with powerful predictive and logistic software within a circular butterfly effect, continually experimenting and improving upon all S-World systems.
M-System 12a – S-World UCS & Villa Mogul (2003 – 2012)
Originally imagined in 2003 as ‘Villa Mogul,’ the idea to create a management simulation game like Railway Tycoon. The ‘hook’ being that the game was based on a real business. By September 2012, it had developed into ‘TTOEB’ Chapter 8: S-World UCS – Universal Colonization Simulator.
M-System 12b – S-World UCS (September 2012 to 2017) (Connects all systems)
S-World UCS is a design for an MMO game that shows how to make a business and economic empire so rich, one could invest in super projects such as ‘African Rain’ or ‘Universal Colonization.’ The game teaches, simulates, and shines a light on the S-World Network’s future ambitions.
Chapter 1d – M-Systems 13 & 14.
The S-World UCS Quantum Systems
Now we arrive at arguably the main event, the S-World UCS quantum systems that create first an economic time machine, and then logistical anchors into the future, from which, we desire to shape the world in a direction that is desired, via simulation and then implementation. To create a better future for our children and children’s children.
In the now familiar system design below, we can at the bottom of the graphic see the quantum systems flying out of M-System 12. S-World UCS, scooping up Angel POP and the Angelverses on the way, delivering them full circle back to M-System 1. And as before, the rodeo starts again, but this time with greater momentum.
M-System 13 – Eureka!!! – S-World UCS Voyagers (September 2012)
The Eureka Moment arrived courtesy of Garrett Lisi’s ‘A Theory of Everything.’ In which Lisi presents his quantum coral analogy where “each individual was in many other locations experiencing them as separate individuals,” and the quantum mechanics mantra:
“Everything That Can Happen Does.”
This revelation arrived in the middle of writing the final American Butterfly ‘Theory of Every Business’ chapter ‘S-World UCS,’ soon after writing the S-World Virtual & Business Network chapter, in which the game sat within the virtual framework and had become entangled and indistinguishable from the conceptualised business network.
This consideration becoming the tipping point where a simulated game and business software became a form of economic time travel.
The consideration was that we would create a copy of the S-World UCS Network called ‘UCS Voyager’ and send it forwards in time at a speed twice our own. So that in 6 months of our time, the simulation would be a year ahead. And within, business owners, managers, staff, and gamers alike could conduct their own business simulations. Then from all the possible outcomes choose which actions from the simulations to follow back in real time.
Businesses follow the wins, avoid the losses, and replay opportunities that showed potential in Voyagers 2, 3, 4…
What if you could look to the future and see millions of eventualities?
What if you could use this information to assist you today?
Welcome to S-World UCS
Welcome to your future
M-System 14 – Eureka2 – S-World UCS Angel Cities (2012 – 2017)
Angel Cities are 5 future simulations of the network from 2020 to 2080; first created as logistical support for UCS Voyagers, but have since become the key ingredient, subject of the movie framework, and the ‘why’ behind the entire project. In terms of M-theory and its component quantum mechanics, we respect Professor Richard Feynman’s alternative histories (sum over histories), which tells us that no unobserved system has a definite past or future.
“Quantum physics tells us that no matter how thorough our observations of the present, the (unobserved) past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.”
From ‘The Grand Design’ by Professors Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow
Shaping the Future
Set in the years 2048 and 2080, Angel Cities 4 and 5 are the nerve centre for the S-World network’s long-term ambitions, described as a set of ‘super projects.’ In this simulation, we work within the M-Systems framework to plan the best earth we can logistically create. And once the blueprint is set, we create paths back through Angel Cities 3, 2 and 1 so that each company, development, wonder, and ‘special project’ that we wish to exist in 2048 and later 2080 has a definite history back from the future to our time.
By planning our future in intricate detail and working in waves of probability, ripple & butterfly effects back through the future Angel Cities, we can control our destiny.
M-System 14 – Angel City 5 (2080)
Angel City 5 is the last of the founding S-World Angel Cities set in 2080. Above, we see my darling daughter Sienna as herself and as an angel guiding us towards a better future, in keeping with the S-World mantra by professor Isaac Asimov…
“You may not predict what an individual may do, but you can put in motion things that will move the masses in a direction that is desired, thus shaping if not predicting the future.”
This future <> past relationship is in a constant superflux; but one thing is constant, our ambition, the set of ‘super projects’ that are to be achieved. In Game Theory and military strategy, they call it ‘Commander’s Intent’ (but instead of ‘take that hill, its ‘make them projects’), as commanders know that the best laid plans can quickly fall apart in battle. We must allow for every eventuality when creating the strings that lead to the creation of our ‘super projects.’