M Systems – Illustrated Summary
A Digital Theory of Everything
By Nick Ray Ball 4th December 2016
Welcome to ‘M-Systems’ the first of a trilogy of books in the ‘Angel Theory’ series. M-Systems takes a math and physics first look at the creation of a virtual business network, designed to provide long term solutions and opportunities as seen on M-System 14: ‘Angel City 5’.

Created as 16 different systems/chapters, In this illustrated summary I shall attempt to present a version of this book accessible to all, the introduction and first five chapters are technical, but lay the groundwork, after which the remaining chapters tell the story in an accessible fashion.
M-Systems draws its name from M Theory, the multi universal evolution of string theory, which is a highly-evolved set of mathematics that ‘in theory’ unifies quantum mechanics and general relativity to create a unified theory of everything.

In his 2010 book ‘The Grand Design’ Professor Stephen Hawing says:
‘Ever since Newton and especially since Einstein, the goal of physics has been to find simple mathematical principles and with them to create a unified ‘Theory of Everything. M-Theory is the unified theory Einstein was hoping to find!’
Hawking is also noted to say:
‘If we discover a complete theory of the universe, it should, in time be understandable to everyone and not just to a few scientists.’
‘I don’t believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new.”
M-Systems may be that something new, it mimics, simulates or directly uses many of the key components of M-Theory, but instead of applying the principles to nature and our universe, It applies them to a virtual network, business and economic system.
By creating a system that follows the rules and laws of nature, it economically compresses the system into one simple formula, so benefiting from billions of years of natural fine tuning. Below we see the system architecture, created as 16 different components, that flow from system to system, interplay with each other, and become circular, as the 16th System has a direct effect on the first and so it starts again, but with greater initial input.

Prequel: M-Systems and the GGW-String.
Physics Influencers: Brian Green – Michael Greene – Edward Witten & Others
# String Theory / M Theory / Networking / Economics / Fund Raising / Business / Philanthropy

String Theory is a discipline of particle physics, it is the idea that all the particles and forces in nature are created by the different vibrations of tiny strings. Like the pitch and harmonics of a violin can change by different threat positions. However, the strings of string theory can also adopt many different shapes, for instance one shape may be a square, another a triangle, but mostly they are represented as circular (a closed string) or as a wiggly line (an open string)
In string theory one such shape creates gravity, and another would create a photon (a particle of light). In M-Systems, the GGW string changes its shape to achieve different objectives.
The GGW String is S-World which energized by every company in the S-World network, contributing financially to it, the current ‘Villa Secrets’ model sees 25% of the gross profit of each company destined to the non-profit S-World, which is to being created as part of The Sienna Foundation. This company is the GGW String and how it spends the money can be considered as different shapes of a string.
For instance, M-System 3 ‘The Susskind Boost’ sees all the money a company contributes being spent of boosting the company’s individual profitability, where as in M-System 4 ‘The Peet Tent,’ sees a different spending pattern (shape) that boosts the profitability of weaker strings.
However main purpose of the GGW-String is to generate as much revenue for special projects as possible. This said often and especially in the early years the years, the best way to achieve long term objectives is to make the network as profitable as possible in the first instance.
In general since the begging of this project back in 2011 this gathering of money and the clever spending of same for philanthropic, ecological, conservation, scientific and social benefit has been the ultimate objective of the network, originally described simply as ‘Give half Back,’ in part influenced at the time by the progressive charity idea behind The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
System 1. S-World, the Villa Secrets Web Framework & The TFBMS
Influencers: Sir Richard Branson – Bill Gates – Larry Page – Sergey Brin – Mark Zuckerberg
# Web Framework / Global Network / Financial, Business & Marketing Software

The S-World Network has created a prototype web framework seen at Villa Secrets.com, detailed on Network.VillaSecrets.com. This web framework can be described as ‘WordPress for Dummies,’ as it takes complex WordPress pages that take specialists a few hours to make like this, improves upon them and creates a CMS (content management system) that allows the improved version of the page like this to be created in a tenth of the time by a non-specialist.
The entire Villa secrets website is created as a series of CMS, so that out the box, a new user can build a great looking website with excellent mobile responsive design in no time at all. In 2017 we have enough internal funding to create about 150 such web temples, where after we can increase output by a factor of 10 year on year. (See videos CMS & Business Development.)
The CMS is designed to work in tandem with powerful software that we call the TFBMS (Total Financial, Business & marketing System) seen here in marketing and here in financial and business. This software greatly increases efficiency in each company and creates a system that can also deal with creation and management of many companies. Add the web framework to the system and we have a product like no other. When one further adds database connectivity to many, most or even all property and travel databases, we have a disruptive product.
To run in tandem with Villa Secrets we are staring on the first ‘special project’ called Experience Africa, in which we intend to adapt the system for individual safaris to use, but in this case the GGW-String has only one shape, that fight against ivory poaching. There is a gap in the market for such a product and if by 2020 we can become the industry leader, Experience Africa will create more income for the fight against poaching as is generated by all other sources.
We shall in time create a dedicated version of the web framework, the TFBMS and database connectively in each Industry and create applications of same in education and social networking. For instance, an application for Facebook business pages to use the system.
System 2. The M&B String (M⇔Bst) & (Ast⇔Bst)
Influencers: Benoit B Mandelbrot – Monica Ball (mom) – Michael Greene – Brian Green
# Business / Networking / The Butterfly Effect / String Theory

The Graphic above is the closest rendering I could find to express how the Ast⇔Bst will display different complex points of iteration over time. But before the Ast⇔Bst came the M⇔Bst.
The M⇔Bst is my beautiful equation, originally written and presented to my mother in the summer of 2012. The M&B stands for Mother and Baby, the double arrow ‘⇔’ signifies the iteration (feedback loops) and circular events, and the ‘ST’ indicates an extended family. Whereby when the baby is born it is completely dependent on its mother, but as it grows the iteration can go each way and often at the end of the cycle the baby and extended family will look after the mother.
Before the M⇔Bst came the idea that one way to expend the network from travel and real estate into other industries was to create large ecologically safe resort developments, whereby each company that built, supplied or traded in the resort would need to be a part of the network and use its systems.
The M⇔Bst was inspired by a consideration of how such a grand network would use its profits to invest into new grand networks in different locations. In each case, each new network is initially dependent on investment of its parent, but soon after the new grand network starts to iterate with its mother. For instance, if a company in the parent resort had the contract to supply aluminium windows to its baby network it would be a significant contact, more so if extended to many developments. To see this in more detail one may look at chapter 2 ‘The Suppliers Butterfly’ in my first book, American Butterfly part 1 ‘The Theory of Every Business.’
In 2015 I had cause to change this theoretical pure math macro-economic equation into a real world micro-economic algorithm by adapting is to: Ast⇔Bst. In which ‘A’ is our real world opportunity CTLV, and company B is joined by companies C, D, E, F, G & H creating a set/string/cube of 8 companies. Where after the indirect and direct benefits of each company on each other within the set/cube/string is calculated. Here are the results A53⇔B57⇔C60⇔D42⇔E44⇔F62⇔G61⇔H63
Which tells us that 53 points of improvement for company ‘A’ are created from the rest of the companies in the string.
System 3. The Susskind Boost
Influencers: Leonard Susskind – Amanda Peet
# String Theory / Business / Software

Above we see Professor Leonard Susskind, arguably the first-string theorist, and an equation for boosting strings taken from his Stanford University video ‘Lecture 1. String Theory and M-Theory. In which at 34 minutes Susskind tells us:
‘We boost the hell out of the system along the Z axis, (gross profit) until every single particle (company) has a huge momentum, if there is any particle that is going backwards along the Z access, you just have not boosted it enough. Just boost it more until it’s going forward with a large momentum.’
To apply this to the network we change a particle for a company, and the Z axis to gross profit.
On hearing the line above, it immediately solved a dilemma, which was what to do with an underperforming company. I was not sure if it was better to apply more marketing or weather to offer financial assistance. It is in my nature to apply more marketing but was that best?
The Susskind Boost tells us that in string theory one should apply boost, so boosting it was be it marketing, the award of a tender, additional websites or any other form of boost. This lead to packaging all the possible ways one could boost a company into one equation/algorithm that I called The Susskind Boost, that would be applied to all companies.

In which the Ḡ is gross profit and ₰ is the TFBM software. After which we add boosting methods, for example Ť is tenders or agency contracts. After which we divide the result the limiters ϻ for market share and ⌂ for access to stock.
As or even more importantly Professor Susskind tells us that systems that are small are harder to boost and within change occurs very slowly. This is like most businesses, and so Villa Secrets changed the shape of the GGW string to apply maximum boost to new companies. Specifically, all the 25% of gross profit contribution for the first two or three years would be spent directly boosting the company that provided the contribution. This is equivalent of a franchisor spending its 4% or 5% of turnover (not gross profit) fee on marketing the franchisee.
System 4. The Peet Tent, MCQPS & QSF
Influencers: Sir Richard Branson – Garret Lisi – Brian Cox – Brian Green – Amanda Peet – Leonard Susskind – Stephen Hawking – Leonard Mlodinow – Richard Feynman – Ed Witten
# String Theory / Quantum Mechanics

The Peet Tent was principally inspired in 2012 by Dr Amanda Peet’s lecture String Theory for the Scientifically Curious in which she presents a string version of a Feynman Diagram and explains how this effect makes string theory is very economical. If I could translate that economics into S-World it would surely be significant. At the time I added a section to the 3rd American Butterfly book ‘The Network of a String,’ but I did not fully appreciate its significance.
It took three more years for me to come up with a suitable simulation within the network design. The point that Dr Amanda Peet is making which is elaborated in her more recent lecture String Theory Legos for Black Holes was that, as strings did not have specific points, they could accept any variety of result. This is in fact how string theory unifies general relative and quantum mechanics. Peet describes the jittery results of quantum mechanics unifying with the smooth results of general relativity by sting theory creating a big tent for them to sit under. This effect is also discussed in lectures from Professors Susskind, Greene & Witten.
vibrating loops of string
It’s a tricky one to simulate, and it took a great deal of work on the micro-economics, and it required the creation of the GGW String. Albeit to be precise, the idea of the GGW String was a result of the Peet Tent. The answer in the end was very simple, one just changes the shape of the GGW-String to emit enough capital to boost any company result that was not sufficient. Given that there is enough money in the network, all businesses we safe, permanently, which amount other things would have a great effect on investment into companies in the first place.
Added to the Peet Tent was the MCQPS (Monti Carlo Effect Probability Software) and what I have labelled QSF (Quantum Safe Forecasting). QSF adapts the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to tell us that one can increase the probability of achieving a set gross profit at a point in the future, simply by lowering the estimate, and that we should consider doubling the uncertainty when we double time (say one year to two, or two to four). The MCQPS tells us that for each expected reaction, we should always pick the lowest probability, as we now do to all TFBMS forecasts (1, 2). Collectively when used to create financial forecasts QSF & MCQPS help to make sure that a company will not get into to trouble in the first place.
System 5. POP 1 (Financial Gravity)
Influencers: Edward Lorenz – Mark Zuckerberg – Lee Chazen –– Brian Greene – Stephen Hawking
# The Butterfly Effect / Chaos Theory / Quantum Mechanics / Newtonian Space / General Relativity / Greek Debt Solution / US Debt Solution / Global Economic Solution

POP ‘The Pressure of Profit Investment System’ started its journey as a pure math experiment in Chaos Theory, specifically how to avoid rounding errors. I did not seriously expect to solve the problem and even if I did, it would cut down only a billionth of the chaos made by human error. However, with the saying ‘Does the flap of a butterfly’s wing in brazil cause a typhoon I Texas,’ on my mind for the fun of it I started to think about the problem.
The POP Solution was only discovered when creating a graphic of an idea, the idea was to give each company a point of profitably, where it would either be under, on or over. Then one only incudes POP on or over companies, and one counts up to their POP point. So if the POP point was $1,000,000 one could count the even cubes of money, this was not a full solution but it was less chaotic and made for better forecasting.
To add further order, and to expand the network, as soon as a company reaches its POP point, it invest the overflow into a new company. As this cycle repeats and the second company reaches its POP point the overflow from A and B overflows into company C, repeats repeat and each time a new company reaches POP and contributes the faster new companies are created.
This add further order it was decided that the new companies should be created in cubes of 8, as the multiplication and divisions of cubes is harder to create rounding errors.
POP 1 was tested first in theory allied to the problem of the Greek economy, then after the USA economy, albeit a relaxed version of POP called Baby POP. Later it was found that if one set a limit of 32,7?? Companies then due to the POP principle the global cube completed quicker and quicker, and the last 10% of companies would be created in just one year. We call this Angel POP. Little did I know at the time, but the cubed structure I imagined was not dissimilar to the way Brain Greene and others described Einstein’s theory of gravity ‘general relativity, hence the name ‘Financial Gravity.’
System 6. The Theory of Every Business (Give Half Back)
Influencers: Sir Richard Branson – Hani Farsi – Mark Zuckerberg – Edward Lorenz – Garret Lisi – Elon Musk
# Greek Debt Solution / US Debt Solution / Economics / Business / Resort Developments / Networks / Software / Healthcare / Environment / Philanthropy /Renewable Energy / Education / Special Projects / Non-Graduate Opportunities

Armed with Baby POP and a basic software program called ‘The Kobayashi Maru GDP Game’ in broad terms the only way to solve the US debt crisis was for the network to absorb their Medicare and Medicaid liabilities.
In addition were some other initatives including non graduate opetunites, education,
It so happened that many of the attactions that made for a more poular lactions such as jobs, healthcare, shools, were also of benefit to the US economy,
Give half back, each company must give half profit to … this is now 25% of gp
the Theory of Every Business looked at a unique strategy towards the US debt crisis, after
System 7. S-World VBN – Virtual Business Network
Virtual World / Network / Software
Hani Farsi – Larry Page – Sergey Brin – Mark Zuckerberg – Steve Jobs – Will Wright – Bill Gates

System 8. S-World VSN – Virtual Social Network
Social Network / Virtual Network / Teleport to GPS / Travel / Media /
Larry Page – Sergey Brin – Mark Zuckerberg – Will Wright

System 9. ‘POP 2’ – High String Coupling
String Theory / M Theory / Inflation / Quantum Mechanics / Business / Economics / Networking
Edward Witten – Amanda Peet – Stephen Hawking

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBOwargPdJ4#t=22.297591 at 49.52
High string coupling can cause black holes, this is interesting as I was wondering what effect was created that can’t be calculated at high sting coupling, and a block while make sense.
For us, black holes are not bad, they are filled with positive energy. I see our current economic system as a black whole and that maybe its necessary to break out he sting coupling in 6, 7, 8 or even 9 to create such an economic revolution so as to blindside all opponents who could do little to a system that was generating 4 or five times current GPD and so has a GGW String war chest of thirty maybe 40 trillion each year.
System 10. The Clinton-Trump Equation (RES: Revenue x Efficiency x Spin)
Economic Black Holes / Quantum Economics / Business Efficiency / Tax / Economics
Brian Cox – Allegra Stratton – Ben Bernanke – James Gates – Amanda Peet – Leonard Susskind – President Bill Clinton – President Donald Trump

(NT X QS x R/Y >+100%) equation (Network Turnover x Quantum Score x Rotations per year must = over 100%).
System 11. QuESC – The Quantum Economic System Core
Chaos Theory /Quantum Mechanics / String Theory / Software / Code / Network / Mass Player on line Games / Business / Economics / Education
Isaac Asimov – Edward Norton Lorenz – Benoit B Mandelbrot – Lee Chazen – Max Planck – Brian Cox – Garret Lisi – Brian Green – Michael Greene

Brian Greene
No adjustable dimensionless parameters and that’s a rare thing. In principle this is the most predictive theory that we have had our hands on
System 12. S-World UCS – Universal Colonization Simulator (SUM OVER Histories GAME)
Mass on Line Multiplayer Game / Film & Media / Simulated Universe / Supersymmetry / Browser Correcting Code / Business Development System / Software Systems Tutorial / Education System
Dr James Gates – Mark Zuckerberg – Lee Chazen – Will Wright

System 13. UCS Voyagers
Quantum Mechanics – Business Development / Mass on Line Multiplayer Game / Future Network Simulation / Economic Time Travel / Simulated Universes
Garret Lisi – Brian Cox

System 14. Angel Cities
Influencers: Garret Lisi – Stephen Hawking – Leonard Mlodinow – Richard Feynman – Edward Witten
# Quantum Mechanics / Alternative Histories / Logistics / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / Simulated Universes / Special Projects / Conservation / Ecology / Philanthropy / Science & Technology / The Population Point / The Spartan Theory

Brian Greene
No adjustable dimensionless parameters and that’s a rare thing. In principle this is the most predictive theory that we have had our hands on
System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP (Gen Res Completion)
Influencers: Stephen Hawking – Edward Witten
# Economics / Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect / General Relativity / Black Holes / Big Bang / String Theory / Global Network / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / The Poverty Gap / Universal Healthcare / Education

System 16. Angelverses
Influencers: Edward Witten – James Gates – Amanda Peet – Brian Green – Michael Greene – Leonard Susskind – Stephen Hawking – Sir Richard Branson / Bill Gates / Google / Mark Zuckerberg / Steve Jobs
# M-Theory / Supersymmetry / String Theory / Dimensions /Quantum Mechanics / Global Network / Technology / Business / Economics / Governments / Geography

Membranes 16Ḇr 8 SUSY M-Theory Systems