M-System 15. Angel POP

M-System 15. Angel POP

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System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP Basics (Index & Links)

M-System 15

Angel POP

Index & Links

Quick Summary

Angel POP Basics


Angel POP in 10 cubic financial dimensions


Angel POP Laws


Angel POP in 8 global locations


Angel POP Laws

System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP Laws

Influencers: Stephen Hawking – Edward Witten – Amanda Peet – Andrew Strominger – Cumrun Vafa
# Economics / Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect / General Relativity / Black Holes / Big Bang / String Theory / Global Network / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / The Poverty Gap / Universal Healthcare / Education / M-Theory


We need to create a set of laws that apply to the GGW String, TFBMS, POP, Super Coupling [2], RES [2], QuESC [2], Angle POP & Angel Verses. So, that we create a system that is fine-tuned and needs little or no tweaking. Fortunately, as M-Systems mimics/simulations the laws of M-Theory we can seek inspiration for such laws in nature and benefit from billions of years of economic compression (Paraphrased Hawking). As opposed to attempt to make a complete set of laws from up from scratch.

In Dr Amanda Peet’s lecture ‘String Theory Legos for Black Holes’ at 48 minutes Dr Peet presents the concept the different dimensions of string theory have some basic laws (or rules) which effect the makeup of our universe.

Peet explains that in 1996 two Harvard physicists Dr’s Andrew Strominger & Cumrun Vafa used string quantum mechanics to calculate the entropy of what a system would be… And it turned out to give exactly the same answer as the Bekenstein Hawking entropy predicted 40 years earlier. The important point of the above is that by coming to the same conclusion using 2 different methods it made the math much more likely to be correct.

And so, ideally, we would consider the fundamental laws that apply to m-theory and dimensions from a string quantum mechanics perspective. However, in Hawking’s book ‘The Grand Design,’ he describes ‘The Game of Life’ which uses some very simple laws to great effect, so it’s possible we may just use laws that simple fit the model well But in general we want laws that hold without exception. But can be adapted by adding new laws

One law may be that an Abject Company is twinned to a big company
Another may be that a relative company’s GGW-String contention is always set to boost.
Another may be that we all of we will not invest in D9 until D8 is fully invested.
Another may be that a big company must support more than 1 abject company

Angel City Locations

System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP in 8 Global Locations

Influencers: Stephen Hawking – Edward Witten – – Amanda Peet – Andrew Strominger – Cumrun Vafa
# Economics / Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect / General Relativity / Black Holes / Big Bang / String Theory / Global Network / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / The Poverty Gap / Universal Healthcare / Education / M-Theory


if one uses cubic financial dimensions, one needs to divide the world into 8. Above we see Angel POP in its original 8 locations, which were called ‘continental networks.’ In the summer of 2016 a version of the above was created that considered GDP. Which mostly kept the same shape. However, for all locations to be still be geographically adjacent to each other and to have about 12.5% of global GDP, I needed to add all of Africa, India, and the Middle East together as one continental network. Which did not feel right.

If Angel POP is the primary objective, the most important of the 16 Angel City 5 special projects, or any kind of model that equality scaled forwards, would be effectively making a model to keep the poorest countries the poorest. One thing is certain if one uses cubic financial dimensions, one needs to divide the world into 8.

Recently the decision was made to turn the 8 global locations on their head. The jury is still out whether to keep some resemblance of the original shape. For instance, one could go back to Africa being one continual network and drop in Japan and the UK, and move a handful or dozen or so Africa Countries into more affluent country.

Or weather the continental networks should just be 8 divisions of countries, without respect to geography, rather based on synergies, A&B String ripple effects and circular events. Plus consideration of trade laws between countries, so if a country wishes to sell in a particular country without trade tariffs, it would use its POP investment to create S-World companies to manufacture their goods in that country)

In such a model one could see the USA divided into 8, evenly distributed within the 8 global networks. For Angel POP this would be an improvement on the American Butterfly (2011-2013) as pictures above with the USA contained in 2 cubes, and but a few countries

Angel POP Dimensions

System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP in 10 cubic financial dimensions

Influencers: Stephen Hawking – Edward Witten – Amanda Peet – Andrew Strominger – Cumrun Vafa
# Equality / Investment / Economics / Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect / M-Theory / String Quantum Mechanics / The Game of Life / General Relativity / Inflation / String Theory / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / The Poverty Gap / Universal Healthcare / Education


Above we see the principle of cubic financial POP dimensions, which are very easy to understand, one simply multiplies or divides by eight to move up or down a dimension. Consider that the first cube you see ‘1’ is a single company’s POP Point of $244,141 and 8 such companies can combine to create a cube of 8 with a combined POP point of $1,953,125, or it could be that a more profitable single company has a POP point of $1,953,125. The point is to combine all companies POP points in such a way as to create even higher dimensional cubes which create the underlying financial gravity of the network.

Below we see the m-theory interpretation, that may need some revision, but is a good starting point. We have six smaller dimensions, D1 to D6, that are flexible, and three large dimesons D7, D8, D9 that can create resort developments. And at the top D10 is the m-theory multiverse dimension, which can contain 10 to the power of 500 big companies. And of course, the 11th dimension is time.


The original 2012 version of Angel POP was created in extreme macroeconomics (D10 x 8 x 8 x 8). But the principle can be used in any dimension. The point was if one spreads options across the globe and limits the availability of investment in higher dimensions until all current options are invested in, then all locations available in the current dimension be invested in.
And as a result, one quality of Angel POP is that the last 15% of options are afforded in a very short period of time.

‘POP 3’ – Angel POP (Super Summary)

System 15. ‘POP 3’ – Angel POP Basics

Influencers: Stephen HawkingEdward Witten
# Economics / Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect / General Relativity / Black Holes / Big Bang / String Theory / Global Network / Resort Developments / Urban Planning / The Poverty Gap / Universal Healthcare / Education


In as simple as terms as possible, Angel POP starts as M-System 5. Classic or BabyPOP which dictates that after a pre-determined point of profitability, every S-World company will invest its additional profit into the creation of a new S-World companies or grand networks (networks of companies attached to real estate developments) … Where after…

Angel POP uses plane old simple ‘supply and demand’ by limiting the investment options to include less desirable businesses locations, which need to be fully invested, before the next phase of POP investment options is released.

As a result and amplified by M-System 4 The Peet Tent, which dictates that no S-World company can fail. Reasons to invest into less desirable business locations in the first instance change. Be it a big company investing in a grand or super grand network, or a single man or woman needing to get finance from a bank to start an S-World company. The predetermined success of each network or company and the combination of Angel POP and the Peet Tent make each and every S-World venture desirable.

let’s consider M-Systems 6. The Theory of Every Business parts 1 New Sparta and 2 American Butterfly and M-System 7 ‘S-World VBN’ which all describe the creation of large resort styled ecologically-sound property developments, which contain S-World operation centres. Called Grand Networks (512 companies) or Super Grand Networks (4096 companies)

So starting from the first instance, instead of creating one grand or super grand network in a prime location such as California, we create two networks and twin their fortunes, so their joint income is one profit centre. A $1,000,000 in S-World California, sees 50% of the investment destined for say… Malawi, see M-System 6. The Theory of Every Business ‘African Butterfly’

In 2015 the IMF ranked Malawi as the 3 poorest country in the world, with most of its 16 million citizens living in abject poverty, earning an average of only USD $364 per person per year. But by creating a super grand network there a significant number of Malawi’s citizens can be moved out of Abject poverty. Hence Angel POP, or to be precise ‘Baby Angel POP,’ as the above example is very simple. The original 2012 Angel POP model looks at the same scenario in higher financial dimensions, with a great many more super grand networks.