
Book 6. S-World Films

S-World Films began its journey in April 2011 with the film treatment called ‘The Sienna Project.’ This was an extremely personal script, as it told the story of my darling daughter Sienna who, six months before, had left us for the heavens.

With VIRGIN showing interest in the first version of the S-World network plan, which in turn suggested earnings in the trillions if the system design could be adapted to all industries, only one problem stuck out… ‘The Skynet Factor.’ What if the public thought that the network was akin to Skynet, becoming self-aware and blowing us to the high heavens?

So, I wrote ‘The Sienna Project’ under the basic idea that if software does become self-aware, it would be less likely to blow us all up if it was loved. The script followed this story until the ‘singularity,’ where software across the universe gained sentience at the same time. And after a gargantuan universal battle took place at the end of the trilogy, Sienna saves the universe. Hurrah!!!

The critical point in this script that changed everything for me and demanded another 7 years of work and study was the beginning, where Sienna (from across the spiritual plane) shows me how to create a more advanced economic system.

And we can now see from Books 2 and 3 that I took this idea literally!

Eighteen months later, I would write the 2nd American Butterfly Book: ‘Spiritually Inspired Software’; which at the end of Chapter 1. ‘The Entangled Butterfly,’ I present ‘The PQS – ‘Predictive Quantum Software,’ which shows most of the current set of M-Systems (with the exception of the String Theory systems, which would be described in the following book: ‘The Network on a String’).

We can see the 2012 version below, note that ‘the BBS bubbles’ are now M-System 14. ‘Angel Cities.’

Four years later, this design was recreated as M-Systems…

So, you see, M-Systems are (in fact) ‘Spiritually Inspired,’ and that is why the title of this series is ‘Angel Theory.’ I don’t talk about this side of things much at this time as I do not wish collaborators to think my work is not scientific; but once that hurdle is surpassed, this side of the network will be centre stage and a strong moral compass.

In August 2017, I started an additional film treatment that may or may not become entangled with ‘The Sienna Project.’ The film trilogy is called ‘Angel City 5’ and was initially written as the concluding part to Book 1. M-Systems, which starts half way through the following link M-Systems & Angel City 5.

The idea (that I am very sad not to have had the opportunity to debate with Hawking) was/is that S-World UCS™ (Universal Colonization Simulator) is a time machine, just different to what we had originally expected from such a device.

Hawking had made the argument: ‘If one does have a time machine, one could not go back in time before the time machine was created.’ And I had hoped to convince Stephen of the merits of UCS™, and agree it was (in principle) a time machine.

The movie focuses on the importance of M-System 14. Angel Cities, which start at Angel City 5 in 2080, and work backwards (2048, 2032, 2024, 2020) to create the optimum path for us to follow back in our time.

In the movie, there are two 2080s. Film 1 is called Dystopia and presents a hellish future 2080 at the brink of destruction.

Film 2 goes back in time and witnesses the creation of S-World UCS™. And Film 3 shows the wonderful future world we can create per Angel City 5 directions.

And there are some heroes and heroines and some crossing of timelines.

Other films are series planned; and particularly, anything that will help the elephants and rhinos and stop the illegal ivory trade.

S-World Film becomes the 4th partner to the 3 software super projects (The TBS™, S-World VSN™, & S-World UCS™) and shares in their fortune.

Each virtual company (like Villa Secrets) also contributes and, in the case of Villa Secrets and other travel agencies, a truly awesome ripple effect called ‘The Famous Concierge’ is created.

Then, in each Grand Network, a section of the city called ‘Little Hollywood’ is dedicated to film and is a lot of fun, and of course is another property value inflator.

Lastly, this department will also include news and other media.