A New Theory of Everything
Angel Theory pt.1
M-Systems V4.02
By Nick Ray Ball 22nd March 2016
A New Theory of Everything
Higgs Bosonic Super String Theory, Chaos Theory, The Villa Secrets Network | Professor Michael B. Green: The smallest constituent, may also be the whole universe
M-Systems 1, 2 & 4
A New Theory of Everything
Higgs Bosonic Super String Theory meets Chaos Theory within Quantum Mechanics & Gravity.
By Nick Ray Ball 22nd March 2016
Presenting the inspiration for the Villa Secrets networks. The creation of a global network of businesses, which take influence and follows rules from Chaos Theory, Sting Theory, Supersymmetry and the Higgs Boson, to create a perfect digital network framework and a new Theory of Everything.
In the following paper, we explain the network structure and the physics that inspired it.
We will start with ‘The Theory of Everything.’ Now days most people and the mighty Google think ‘The Theory of Everything’ is a film about ‘Stephen Hawking.’
However, it is also the holy grail of particle physics. Its mission to unite the four forces: Gravity, Electromagnetism, the Strong and the Weak nuclear forces.
Most of the work is done, as already Electromagnetism and The Strong and Weak nuclear forces are unified.
What it comes down to is simple enough for us to understand: One needs to mathematically unify the force of Gravity, with the force of Electricity & Magnetism, (Electro magnetism), or the Strong or Weak nuclear forces. If one could do that, test it, and it worked, in terms of physics, one would have solved ‘The Theory of Everything’
Now we know the basics, we can add the long words the physicists use to make it sound ‘far out.’.
Gravity is also called ‘General Relativity’ as named and theorized by Einstein on the 25th November 1915.
In place of Electricity & Magnetism and the Strong and Weak nuclear forces we have ‘Quantum Mechanics’
In over 100 years’ no one has disputing Einstein’s Theory of Gravity (General Relativity), which paints a very smooth and predicable picture of how the universe works.
As for Quantum Mechanics, some say it has been proved right in thousands of experiments. Others say it can never be proved. However, what we do know is that from the mathematics that is used for Quantum Mechanics is the same that powers everything digital.
It is used to change the electrons within the atoms inside microchips, to power our computers and digital devices. It describes the universe at the sub atomic level, but in comparison the General Relativity (Gravity) the picture it pains of the universe is very different, a very erratic and unpredictable picture.
Due to the differences the experimental physicists cannot unify the results, they seem poles apart, experiments often leading to an infinite number, which is physics is not possible.
Enter the world of Theoretical Physics
String Theory
As current wisdom, or mathematics cannot unify the forces, various different sets of mathematics have been created to solve the unification problem, which in terms of physics is, ‘The Theory of Everything.’
The most famous and popular new mathematics being ‘String Theory,’ which in one hand is the theory of how to unify Gravity and Quantum mechanics, which has not yet been proved or disproved. And on the other hand is a very advanced form of economical mathematics. Which uses 10 dimensions and deals with the smallest of the small.
So small, even with the most powerful microscopes, we cannot see it, we are a long, long away from seeing any evidence of String Theory.
However, from the 80’s onwards, many or even most who excelled in particle physics studied String Theory, as it was the most likely contender for The Theory of Everything. Hence as a branch of mathematics, since 1980’s it has had a lot of clever people working on it. An awfully lot.
By example in popular media, and the film with Matt Damon and Robin Williams ‘Good Will Hunting’ see the NSA trying to tempt Matt Damon’s character to work with them as he would have the opportunity to work in cutting edge mathematics: Super String Theory and Chaos Math.
Super String Theory and Chaos Math are now the two major influences in the way we are creating both the Villa Secret and the macro S-World networks.
In terms of String Theory, we use the basic principle of the network being built with qualities found in string theory. In particular, in terms of network structure. Since 2011 we have been working to make an improved version of the Virgin Networks structure, which offers no projection to individual companies in its network in case of failure. In such a case, Virgin is projected from debs accrued by any individual component.
This above model, makes a lot of sense in current economics, however, there is room for improvement. In terms on companies becoming a liability due to legal action, for instance a fortune 100 CEO getting eaten by a Lion on Safari. Such a lawsuit would run to so much; it could crash the entire network. So legally network companies need to be separated.
However, financially, it’s a much better model, if one can make all the companies financially protected, so all S-World & Villa Secrets Network companies were guaranteed success.
Quite and Ask!!!
Well not really, see our hypothesis, that has passed the most critical point of failure, and is now on the verge of Snowballing.
We start with String Theory’s economic elasticity as in presented within ‘String Theory for the Scientifically Curious with Dr. Amanda Peet.’ In this video we caught our first glimpse of how we would like to structure our Network. In such a way as individual parts could not fail.
Below we see the difference between, Richard Feynman’s Standard Model Physics Diagrams and how all particles are accounted for when String Theory is applied to the diagram. The Sting Theory model becomes stringy and elastic, which creating a far more economical mathematics. It’s almost like Magic.
In terms of The Theory of Everything, and connecting Einstein’s smooth interpretation of Gravity vs the jittery unpredictability of Quantum Mechanics. It is the elasticity in the right hand diagram which creates mechanism for unification. As within the String Theory version, the elasticity is so great that all possible actions of particles are within the margin of error.
We would use this principle in Vila Secrets, by making sure Villa Secrets had enough money, to compensate for the very worst financial disaster from one or more networks, so failing companies can be nursed back to profitability.
(It should be noted that due to the Software and Systems, the likelihood of a company having a financial disaster, is very low, and we would know in real time.)
In 2012 it took the next level of String Theory, ‘Super String Theory’ for us to Theorize how we could do this effectively in a macro (giant) scale.
The difference between String Theory and Super Staring Theory is the addition of Supersymmetry or ‘SUSY’
String Theory + Supersymmetry = Super String Theory
One of the qualities of SUSY is that for every particle, there is an opposite particle, so the heaviest particle in the universe it twinned with the lightest and so on, so in fact all particles and their twins are exactly the same.
The third part to American Butterfly, was written in 2012, entitled ‘The Network on a String’ which looked at 16 points of similarity between our network design and principles, theories and rules from particle physics. In which in Chapter 4 we presented the: ‘M⇔Bst > SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer,’
Below see the first of 2 graphics from the chapter. Which shows the macro S-World network, in Florida in the year 2040. In which we see 16 different Resort Networks (networks created around large property developments) all of which are expected to create very different POP ™ profit contributions to the ‘S-World’ Network.
The POP™ profit contributes, are then invested into more networks or technology. With the investing companies owning new business or property in new networks.
Above we see how the Florida Network is predicted to grow, strong at the beginning and at the end, with a lot of uncertainty between the 7th and 14th networks. As these networks did not necessarily have network tenders. The tender system is explained in the second chapter of American Butterfly part 1 The theory of Every Business.
Regarding ‘Baby POP’, POP is ‘The Pressure of Profit Investment principle’ which was originally created as an experiment to lessen the effects of Chaos Theory within economic systems and so create more accurate long term finical forecasting. Created within The American Butterfly chapters on S-World.biz and presented in ‘American Butterfly.org’ part 2. ‘Spiritually Inspired Software’. More on this later.
Getting back on topic, the SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer. look at what happens to the financial prediction when we apply the simple strongest twins with weakest rule from Supersymmetry.
When we apply the rule, all the networks make similar amounts.
In the macro S-World model, this money is invested into superior systems and makes new profit steams for the original networks, so the smallest network becomes stronger as its receives superior systems and income. And so problem solved, the new profit streams can pay for additional interment into the parent network and when used in conjunction with the new systems the weakest networks become more and more profitable.
In theory, as any company within the network is suggested to make over 400% more than a company outside of the network, it was acceptable for any company to potentially lose 50% of its POP investment as it was already 400% better off, the net result being that any network comes would be 200% better of, and so applying the rule would be reasonable.
However trying to work this back into an actual micro model was not as simple. Indeed for a long time the chapter SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer, was just one chapter within the larger macro-economic theory.
However, as events unfolded and a porotype was created, it was done in such a way, that could create the same effect.
The Villa Secrets Network
The Villa Secrets Network operates in a way similar to a non-profit franchise. Villa Secrets creates new opportunities for existing businesses or individuals to manage. The first such business was www.Cape-Town-Luxury-Villas.com, which to date has been a successful franchise.
Companies that are created by Villa Secrets use the same software framework and marketing platform, which is forever improving and growing.
Each company that is created splits its turnover, so far the split has been 25% for villa secrets development, 25% for marketing and 50% for director discretionary cash flow.
After operational spending and director salaries the profit for www.Cape-Town-Luxury-Villas.com is under 25% of turnover.
As the Villa Secrets software framework develops, not least via the creating of the Divergent CRM, the profitability of its networks/franchises will increase, seeing about 25% profit and greater turnover in the first place.
As such, with Villa Secrets network receiving 25% and each network making about 25% profit, the system can be the same as the SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer. When Villa Secrets completes its string of 16 companies in Cape Town about half of the profit is in the hands of Villa Secrets discretion. If it wished, it would have the capacity to even the top and bottom company’s investments.
The simplest way to consider this is in plan A, the current stage, where all Villa Secrets income is spent on creating superior software, which will in turn, symbiotically increase the initial turnover of all the networks. No matter if a network generates $50,000 or $500,000 each year. The system development will be as much benefit to one company as another.
This is very similar to the results of the SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer, which equals the investment money of its 16 different macro networks.
However, in terms of creating networks with the elasticity of String Theory, the Villa secrets micro model is actually better that the SUSY Hierarchal Spin Equalizer. As it allows for discretionary spending, not just the equalization of POP Inventing profits.
For example, if all is well then money is spent of software development, but if a new network should come into trouble and run at a loss, the network has options, it can grant the network a 3-month period in which they did not need to pay their 25% development contribution, allocating the money instead to marketing. And deploy its human resources into analysing what the problem is and working with the directors to get back on track.
Indeed, within the parameters set out for the first 16 micro networks, as banking is acutely monitored, should a company have a real bad run of luck (which can happen) the Villa Secrets network can divert funds from other networks development into crisis funding for the down on its luck network.
The result is the same as we saw in the String Theory Feynman Diagram, no matter what financial result, it becomes within the margin of error.
Of course should every company, have a really bad run of luck, at this early stage, (such as a terror attack, stopping travel to a location) failure could occur. But not if the network was internationally diversified. If instead of 16 Cape Town property networks, there were 16 international networks of 16 local networks, then even such a bad run of luck, would fall into the margin of error.
The bigger the network grows, the stronger it becomes, as circular events (as championed in Book 1) create a snowball effect. Should there be 16 x 16 = 256 companies paying 25% of turnover to Villa Secrets, the already significant software plans, at a 3-year development cost of $3,000,000, would be supercharged, investment tenfold, resulting in a 18 month timeline instead of 36 and after a lot more development.
As the network continues to grow, a singularity will occur when development is funded and money can then be allocated to POP investment.
The Higgs Boson
The Higgs Boson is a particle unlike any other, it does not behave in the same way as other particles. Instead it creates a field which gives mass to all other particles.
Mass is the foundation of Einstein’s equation E=MC2, where energy = The Mass of an object multiplied by the speed of light Squared. If there is no Mass there can be no energy. And so, as the Higgs gives Mass to all particles, without the Higgs, the universe would have no energy.
And so it is with the S-World & Villa Secrets Networks. But instead of Mass, the Villa Secrets Network creates profit. It does not sell anything, or rent villas, or create mandates. Instead it looks to improve the profitability of companies that use the framework and recruit more companies to the network.
Currently, the business model for villa secrets is based on a turnover split of 25% (Earmarked for Villa Secrets software framework development. 25% on marketing and 50% to the company directors discretionary cash flow. Often half of this discretionary cash flow will be spent on expenses, leaving 25% profit.
50% of profit goes to Villa Secrets and 50% to the company’s directors. From which, Villa Secrets in its Higgs capacity, working on the VS Software and Marketing platform, looking for ways to increase the profitability of all companies. See the Software section for more on the VS Software Framework. The more income Villa Secrets generates, the more profitable its companies come.
However, the income Villa Secrets receives can also be used to assist weaker networks.
Super String Theory & M Theory
How the smallest of the small could be the thing that contains us all.
Whist String Theory considers the smallest of the small, the inner working of the inner workings of atoms. It has been suggested by the leading physicist that ‘the smallest of the small could actually be the thing that contains us all. As is told by Professor Michael Green in the Horizon documentary:
How Small is the Universe
Professor Michael B. Green
The fundamental particles instead of being thought as point like objects and now considered like strings
Instead of the 17 particles of the standard model, everything is made from a single object. An incredibly tiny look of string.
Michael B. Green…
The characteristic of a string that ,makes it different from a point, is that it can vibrate, and the different modes of vibration are like notes, if you like, are seen as different kinds of particle.
So there’s this very appealing almost poetic way in which string theory describes all the particles in terms of different notes, on a string.
It’s a beautifully neat idea, each note from the string produces a different particle, there are however 1 on 2 problems. These strings are so small, that no one has ever seen anything remotely stingy.
Depending on one’s view point, the size of these strings can vary an awful lot, from scales that are a millionth of a millionth the size of nucleus, to scales that are much, much smaller than that.
If string theory is true then a string would be the smallest thing in the whole universe, the trouble is, when we get this small, the whole notion of small and big may get turned completely upside down.
Supposing that these are quarks and elections and photons, the particles that constitute the standard model, now we’ve got a problem because the if you believe that they are made of something smaller then that’s fine. But if you believe in String Theory then the notion of smallness no longer means the same.
(Whilst playing with a doll that gets smaller and smaller each time you open it.)
I have a little spec here, so that must be the smallest thing, but then of course when you are down to this scale, you may have the whole universe on your hand, because the universe itself started from something this scale and expended into everything we know.
So this thing that we think of as the smallest consistence, may in fact be the thing that contains us all.
So the notion, the difference between… the notion that this is the smallest constituent, is paradoxically at odds with the statement that it may also be the whole universe.
String Theory is underpinned by some fiendishly complex maths, but to make it work out, the theory evokes not just one new dimension, but says that we live in 11-dimensional hyper space.
If you could describe precisely how these curled demotions are curled up, you would be able to describe the exact nature of everything in the universe. The trouble is there is more than one way to curl them up.
So the equations of string theory have very large numbers of solutions, a humongous large number, of which any one of which might describe a possible universe with its own laws of physics, its own kind of particles and its own kind of forces. This whole body of solution in string theory is called ‘the landscape’ in which most universes could not form or sustain matter, making our universe a very untypical universe.
End of extract, thank you Professor Green
Ergo, everything is connected.
On first hearing of this…
So the notion, the difference between… the notion that this is the smallest constituent, is paradoxically at odds with the statement that it may also be the whole universe.
It seemed unimaginable, how could something so small, be everything. However, now considered in that was we present, it’s no longer hard to imagine, indeed it makes a lot of sense.
So we start with the micro network, which can be considered as 2 parts of the first string of companies
And we make a plan to grow this string to either 8 or 16 different companies. Whereby each company in the string, can create new strings of its own.
let’s put some practicality to this.
Currently we have 2 luxury vacation rental agency websites related to property in Cape Town, with plans to extend this to 8 or 16 in different complimentary areas. Such as property sales or Stills and Film shoots.
Any company in the string can start new strings. So for instance one of the luxury vacation rental agency websites could start an international string of 8 similar but different located businesses. There are already many different string types: Top 10’s, Magazine, Individual venues, Film production in Cape Town or internationally, Safaris, Hotels, Apartments, Long Term Rentals and the more different companies in the string, the more opportunities there are to create different strings in different industries.
This is the basic structure, and if this network of companies had an advantage over other companies, the strings would grow and grow until economics as we knew it was replacing with ‘Super String Economics’ Which was the original name of the second American Butterfly book.
If this were to succeed, it’s easy to relate it to how the smallest of the small could become the thing that contains us all.
And in 2012 this is what we were working on creating the network as sets of strings. At the time basing the ‘advantage over other companies,’ as the software framework and marketing platform. Aided by what we call POP™ Investment Principle and ‘Compatible Finite Math’ Which were created as a result of trying to elevate the effect of rounding errors within mathematical computation, the base consideration of Chaos Theory.
Which we will simply explain as counting in ways that make it harder to create an recurring number which is why we structure our network in cubes, 8 single units make a cube, and then 64 make a bigger cube and so. Eventually looking to box networks earrings as the profit needed to fill the cube and the additional profit available for investment in new strings
This journey of discovery started in 2011 with research into creating a business network, in which all businesses were connected and none could fail. At first we theorised systems to avoid human error in calculations, after which turned to the next level of failure which was the errors created by infinite numbers, within computations making any financial system less than 100%. As is presented in Chaos Theory.
By 2013 we had given significant consideration to this anomaly and we created ‘Compatible Finite Math™’ which is very simple, we cannot fully elevate rounding errors, not yet, but by simply working in sets of numbers that you cannot divide and make rounding errors, one reduces the Chaos to manageable levels. (one may say in the same was String Theory calms the glitters between General Relativity and Quantum mechanics.
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