M-Theory an Economic Science
Angel Theory – Paradigm Shift: Book 2.
Backstory / Prequel
An Economic Theory of Everything
By Nick Ray Ball 19th November 2017
Chapter 2 Part 7: M-Theory an Economic Science?
An Economic Theory of Everything Part 7: A few choice quotes from Professors Witten, Hawking & Camelia that lead to the question: ‘M-Theory an Economic Science?’
Inspired by Sienna Skye
In 447 Words
Version 6.59-7r
Continuing from chapter 2.5 ‘Relative Equality, this chapter presents some quotes that lead to the question, can M-Theory be considered as an Economic Science. Or alternately, can M-Systems and the E-TOE be used as a way to teach m-theory?
And whilst it is very early days for ‘relativity’ within this simulation, the fact that space time popped out; as soon as we added the quantum time elements is interesting in itself, as it is a step towards Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity popping out of M-theory per Professor Edward Witten’s observation:
“If Einstein had never discovered relativity, it may have been discovered as a by-product of string theory. General relativity, in some sense, is for free.”
Professor Edward Witten
Winner of the Fields Medal
Charles Simonyi Professor at Princeton University
Since creating the original 16 step E-TOE graphic, a 17th step inspired by Professor Hawking has now been simulated and called Financial Equivalence, but it’s not quite ready for presentation just yet.
To conclude, for now, I shall leave with a few pertinent quotes from Professor Hawking and Dr Giovanni Amelino-Camelia.
“The laws of nature are meant to economically compress a number of particular cases into one simple formula.”
“If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists.”
And when that happens, all of us will be able to discuss the why rather than the how.”
Professor Stephen Hawking (paraphrased)
The Hawking-Camelia Paradox,
“I don’t believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new.”
Professor Stephen Hawking
“When you’re stuck chasing a certain answer, you often discover that all it took to find the answer was to look at the same problem from a different angle.”
Dr Giovanni Amelino-Camelia
The paradox is that by looking for something new for m-theory and relativity in physics, one may miss the ‘something new’ altogether. And that the different angle can be that we can use M-theory to create a new math and science based economics, from which a whole array of possibilities is born.